Mass action/bulk delete drafts

Related products: User Experience

  • What is the problem?
    • In the drafts view, I have a whole bunch. To delete, I have to click one by one. (The confirmation modal doesn’t seem to work with a keyboard, so I can’t press enter or tab to confirm.) 
  • Who is it a problem for?
    • Anyone with a lot of drafts 😅
  • How do you solve the problem today?
    • Click one by one
  • How would you ideally solve the problem?
    • Select multiple at once and choose “delete” 
  • How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact etc.)?
    • Not huge but sometimes we can end up with quite a few if we’ve been testing stuff out. I have a lot of things that were saved because I was working on templates and they’re not really drafts of content. 



Hi Siobhan! Thanks for this feedback piece. Currently, you can delete Drafts in bulk by navigating to the Card Manager, and clicking “Drafts”. I hope this information helps! 



I didn’t know that and wouldn’t have thought to look there. I was in this view and there’s no multi select nor an UI indicator to go to Drafts in Card Manager. Perhaps this can still be open as UI feedback? 



I agree that there isn’t a good indicator from the Drafts area that bulk actions are available in Card Manager (I didn’t know this until Lily replied!). I’m going to keep this complete since the functionality is available but I’ll see about adding something to the backlog for a UX improvement or help text.