Feature Release

Create Automated Workflows With Guru’s Zapier & Workato Apps!

Related products: Apps and Integrations API
Create Automated Workflows With Guru’s Zapier & Workato Apps!

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Thanks to Zapier, Workato, and webhooks, you can create automated workflows in Guru. 


You can connect with Guru once and integrate everywhere, ensuring that no matter where or when your team is working, they all have equal access to the information they need right within whichever tools they need it in.

Get ready to build the future of collaboration with us. Read more about the new possibilities here.



Build With Us: Automate Workflows With Guru’s Zapier & Workato Apps | Guru

This video gives me so much joy..literally lol’ing :joy: But more importantly, SOOO excited for all of the possibilities this opens up. What workflows are folks thinking about (or have already built) w/Zapier or Workato?

I’m so excited to see what workflows others have built!

@Ali Berman - has the team at Slack cooked up any cool workflows with this integration? 

@Zev Zoldan @Ian Link @Kristin Fretz @João Souza @Siobhan  - I know y’all were eagerly awaiting this feature - what’s the first workflow you’ve created or plan to create?