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August Release Round Up!

Howdy! It’s me, Noah, from the Guru product team! As we say goodbye to summer and hello to fall, I’m here with an update on some recent features we’ve released!  Custom PromptsStarting with my personal favorite: Customizable prompts for Answers! From Workspace settings, Admins can now update the default prompt instructions - so answers will crafted in specific lengths, tones, formatting and more! It will even respond like a pirate if you wish!Pirate prompt Before saving your exciting new prompt, you can test it on your Guru content to ensure it’s working as expected. And if you ever decide to go with the reliable default prompt we provide, you can do so by clicking “Revert to default prompt” Pirate AnswerA New Default PromptWe’ve gotten a lot of feedback around all things prompts (and keep it comin!) and we’ve made some improvements to the default prompt that Answers uses. The new prompt will provide a more detailed and reliable answer than the previous prompt. This new prompt is being slowly rolled out in phases, so some of you may already have it and if you don’t you will in the very near future! If you’ve set up a custom prompt, this does not apply to you though as the new default prompt isn’t utilized unless you revert to it.  New Default Prompt  Connected Sources ImprovementsWhen clicking into the Connected Source, the modal now shows the name/type of the object, the object count, the sync status and the last completed sync. This is helpful information if you’re trying to determine how much data a specific sync actually brought in or you’re trying to determine which objects are synced with a source application.  Connected Source Detail View Additionally, we’ve now made connected sources more noisy when they break - so when we encounter an error while syncing, admins will receive an email notifying them which syncs have failed and when.  Slack Source ImprovementsIf you’ve connected Slack as a source, you can now see Slack content when using search, not just Answers! Slack content can also be filtered, just like other sources. We’ve also removed the 25 Slack channel limit for Answers, so you no longer have to make the difficult decision of whether to add #dogs or #company-announcements as a source for answers - just add them both!  As always, we deeply appreciate all the discussion and feedback from you all! See you next time! 

Lots of UX Updates!

Over the past few months you may have noticed some changes - we’ve been slowly releasing updates to our UI to simplify using Guru. Below you will find a round up of all updates we’ve made.  “Settings” is now “Manage”The Settings page has been renamed to Manage. Additionally, the Manage menu is now invisible to read-only users. Within the Manage section, there is now a nested Users and Groups menu which contains Users, Groups and Admin management as well as HRIS Sync and SSO/SCIM management. Read-only users can access a modal containing a list of their workspace admins from the Org Chart (which is now located in the avatar menu). Sources has moved to its own pageThe Sources page for Answers has moved! It can now be found in its own section of the Manage page! Get in there and add some sources!  “Tasks” can now be found in the top navigation barUsers can now access Tasks directly from the top nav bar. There is no change in functionality of the Tasks icon and users will continue to be able to access Tasks through the left navigation.  Org Chart can now be found in the avatar menuOrg Chart has moved from the left navigation menu to the avatar menu. The previous URL still works so if anything is bookmarked no need to make any changes!   Collection Settings now has its own dedicated page within ManageCollections Settings has moved to the Manage page! Now you can manage everything related to your collections in one place including Knowledge Syncs, Duplicate Detection, Auto Archive settings and Knowledge Triggers. My Drafts now has its own page in the left nav“My Drafts” has been moved out of “My Library” to its own page in the primary left navigation. This page is only visible to users with an author role.  New Workspace Preference PageYou will find a new section within the Manage page called 'Workspace Preferences' that contains many of our workspace configuration controls. The page contains branding customization, domain discovery, welcome message preference, org chart toggle, card comments toggle, assist toggles for reader and authors, and the answers feature toggle. Additionally, the ticket linking feature has been moved to the Apps and Integrations page next to AI Suggest Text.  

Related products:User Experience

Publishing Workflows (and More!) Have Arrived!

Hello Guru Community!We have a delectable assortment of product updates available as of this morning that address some of our most frequent feature requests and feedback! Publishing Workflows Collection owners now have more control over their publishing process! With Publishing Workflows, Collection owners are able to limit who has the ability to publish content to a Collection by group, so only users from selected groups can publish content. If no groups are selected, users will only be able to publish cards as drafts.     Private Slack Channels for Suggested Answers and SourcesPrivate Slack channels can now be added as a source for Answers! Guru admins configuring private channels will need to be a member of the private channel in order for it to be an option in the sources menu.  Additionally, Suggested Answers can now be configured in private Slack channels as well Add Filters to Scheduled Reports in AnalyticsYou can now use filters in scheduled reports! If you’ve selected a value for any filter and saved the view, you can then go to schedule your dashboard as usual with the option to "Select View" under the "Frequency" section.    SFDC Knowledge Sync Now Supports Locale-Specific SyncingA new dropdown has been added to the Knowledge Sync setup for SFDC allowing users to select a locale from their Salesforce domain for syncing. This approach is identical to the behavior of the locales function for the Zendesk Knowledge Sync.  

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New ways to review, correct, and improve accuracy of Answers

Hello Guru Community!We just launched a number of updates that will improve the way that you can train Guru to continuously and automatically improve Answers! AI Training CenterAuthors, admins, and collection owners have a new page within their Tasks called Answers. This is a table that will display questions they’ve asked, Answers they’ve edited, and Answers that reference Cards that they are the verifier of, limited to the last 90 days. Users can easily sort through questions based on their status (not answered, flagged, or marked correct), and if an Answer was assigned to them to review. Once you click on any question, you can:Review the Answer that was given and see the sources cited Update the status of the question (e.g. mark it correct or flag it) Assign it to an expert to review Edit the Answer’s sources and automatically refresh the Answer Improve future Answers:Now, when you edit an Answer by updating the sources the Answer pulls from (up to 3), those same sources will be used to produce an Answer when that same question is asked in the future by any other user. This flow will help improve and ensure the accuracy of Answers across your team.  New digest and notifications:Authors will now receive a new weekly digest via email, Slack and Teams that shows a list of questions from the week that were answered with Cards that they verify. If an Answer is updated, the original question asker will get a notification via Slack or email.  If you’re an admin, you can continue to see a consolidated list of questions asked in your Guru workspace from Settings > Guru Tools > Answers.  

Related products:Knowledge Management ToolsAI Suggest & Generative AI

Now live: Slack, OneDrive, and SharePoint as sources, and some editor improvements!

Hello Guru Community!We are coming into the new year hot with some exciting new sources for Answers and features within the editor. New sources for Answers: You can now connect Box, Dropbox, OneDrive and SharePoint as sources for Answers. Similar to how Google Drive for Answers integration works, you have the ability to select which folders you want to connect to Guru, so only specific content is used to answer questions. As a best practice, we recommend using a system account when connecting to a new source application, instead of your personal one. This gives you a very transparent view into exactly what folders and files Guru has access to and ensures Guru only pulls content from approved sources when suggesting answers.If you’ve previously set up a Box or Dropbox sync, you’ll need to update your integration, as we’ve improved the experience to be folder selection-based rather than syncing everything. Upon adding a folder, your previous sync will be replaced.  Slack as a source:We’ve also added the ability to connect to Slack as a source for Answers, which enables users to find Answers from knowledge sharing that may be happening in channels and threads. You’ll be able to connect 25 Slack channels - we recommend ones where a lot of questions are asked or knowledge is shared. Once connected, users can ask a question in Guru and Answers will use those Slack channels (plus any other connected sources) and knowledge stored in Guru to surface an answer. To learn more, check out our Help Center article.  And, we’ve added a few delightful features to our editor to make knowledge more engaging and easier to consume: Callout boxes: Use callout boxes to highlight important information within a card and customize with a colored background. Collapsible sections: Create sections within a card that can be collapsed and expanded. Both features can be accessed from the top navigation bar when editing a card, or with the forward slash (/) command.  

Related products:Apps and IntegrationsCard CreationAI Suggest & Generative AI

Maintain a high Verification Score and improve Answers quality with auto archiving

Hey Community! Today, we released a new automated feature for all teams on Builder plans and above that will help you keep information in Guru fresh and trusted by archiving low-engagement, unverified Cards. Auto archiving runs in the background and takes the manual work out of identifying content to clean up in Guru. Archived Cards won’t appear in search results or Answers, and can be restored any time if you want to revisit, refresh, and republish them. You can keep encouraging your teams to capture and store information in Guru, with the foresight that Guru will step in to identify what Cards are going stale and archive them on your behalf. This takes away some of the manual work of verification by allowing experts to focus on verifying the most important content, instead of out-of-date Cards that aren’t being viewed. Auto archiving outdated information has the added benefit of improving the quality of Answers generated using Guru content. If you’ve been using Answers and seeing unverified Cards in the sources, you’ll see an immediate improvement after auto archive cleans out the stale info. Admins can access the auto archive feature in Card Manager. As part of this release, the layout for the Card Manager page has changed to a side navigation. This is part of our overall effort to create a consistent navigation experience inside of Guru.  We’ve implemented auto archiving with default archiving settings that reflect best practices from our most successful customers, based on our decade of experience in knowledge management (KM). Cards that will be auto archived are ones that have been unverified for 6 months or longer and have had 0 views while being unverified. We’re also giving admins control over how this feature gets implemented in your instances, so auto archive can reflect your company’s KM strategy. Admins can preview Cards that are about to be archived and remove Cards from the archive queue. If you’d like even more control, you’ll be able to adjust the criteria used to determine which Cards are auto-archived.  If auto archive isn’t right for your company, admins can choose to turn this feature off by contacting our support team. To give Collection Owners more control over this feature, auto archive is turned on at the Collection level. Collection Owners are often closest to the content stored in Guru, so they’re better able to make a call on whether specific Cards should be archived. The owner of each Collection will be able to choose the custom criteria for their auto archive, or turn off auto archive for certain Collections. As with workspace-wide auto archive, the default settings will be on by default if no change is made. Because this is a new automated feature, we recommend communicating your auto-archive settings to Collection owners who don’t have admin access so they know what to expect. If you have Cards that meet the default criteria for auto-archiving, they will be listed in the “Auto Archive” queue within Tasks and the actual archive will occur on December 10th. You have a week to adjust criteria, review the queue, and remove Cards from the queue. Every week, the process will repeat, with a new list of Cards to be archived available in Card Manager. Once your first auto archive has run, you’ll be able to filter by auto archived Cards in Card Manager and view the queue of Cards scheduled to be archived in Tasks. This will give you a chance to see content that has been automatically cleaned up versus content that’s been manually archived by your team. If anything unintentionally got included in an auto archive, you’ll be able to restore that Card to its original Collection.Learn more about auto archive in the help center. 

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Suggested Answers in Slack: Automatically surface trusted Guru info in Slack threads

Hello Guru Community! We have yet another exciting release for Answers today - introducing Suggested Answers in Slack!Suggested Answers gives your users the power of Answers without having to leave Slack. When enabled in a Slack channel that has the Guru app installed, Suggested Answers will proactively answer questions using Guru content via thread.The trigger for Guru to attempt to answer a question is ending a Slack message with a question mark. So once enabled for a specific channel, Slack messages containing a question mark will automatically generate an answer from Guru. Here’s how it works:Admins can add the Guru Slack app to your Slack instance, if you haven’t done so already. In the Apps and Integrations area of Guru, an admin can click the “Add a channel” button and select the public Slack channels where you’d like to enable Suggested Answers. In Slack, invite the Guru app to those channels. Bask in the gratitude of your SMEs, who will save time whenever Guru automatically answers a question for them! For the moment, only Guru cards that are shared with the “All Members” group will be used to answer questions. We’re continuing to invest in this feature so we’d love to hear what you’d like to see from Suggested Answers in Slack! Let us know in the comments below.    

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Now in beta: connect Dropbox and search for answers!

Hi Community! Starting today, you can participate in the open beta release of Dropbox as a connected source for Answers. Just connect your company’s Dropbox account, and users will be able to generate Answers based on the information stored in documents and folders.As a reminder, admins will be able to review all Answers that are generated by Guru, along with the sources used to generate those Answers. You’ll be able to assign any Answer to an expert to have them check it–and the sources used–to make sure everything’s accurate. Check out the help center for more information.  Here’s how it works:In the Apps and Integrations page, admins can navigate to the Sources tab and connect Dropbox using their credentials.  This step defines the universe of potential documents that can be sourced for Answers. TIP: If an admin doesn't want their personal credentials to define this set of resources, they can set up a separate Dropbox account with access permissions only to those folders they wish to use for Answers. The admin will receive an email once the Dropbox source is synced. This usually takes a few hours. When an end user asks a question using Answers, their permissions will be automatically inherited so Answers will only be able to generate a response based on documents the end user has access to within the universe of folders initially defined by the admin. FOR EXAMPLE: The admin sets up the Dropbox source to include every folder and document in the company. When a support agent asks a question, only documents from within the Support folder to which they have access will be used. Documents from the Sales and Marketing folders will not be used for that Answer because that support user doesn’t have access to those folders (even though they’re connected to Guru).   With the current set of Dropbox permissions that Guru uses to authenticate the Dropbox integration, group permissions are not carried over at this time. This means that a file or folder shared with a group would need to be shared individually with the end user prior to being used to generate an answer.  This scenario applies to both the admin creating the initial connection as well as to users who are getting Answers. FOR EXAMPLE: Carlos, Amanda, and Janelle are the members of the Marketing group in a company’s Dropbox instance. Carlos’s user name has been granted individual access to a working doc that he’s been drafting with colleagues. That doc is later shared with the Marketing group. Answers will be able to use it to generate a response for Carlos. But because Amanda and Janelle are not individually shared on the doc, Answers will not be able to source that doc to respond to Amanda and Janelle’s questions.

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Introducing Prompt Management for Assist: A new way to fully customize your Assist toolbar

Hi Guru Community!I’ve got another exciting update for Assist that just launched today. Admins now have the ability to fully customize the Assist actions for authors across their Guru Workspace. With Assist prompt management, admins will be empowered to:Remove/turn off any existing default actions from the Assist menu Customize your menu to reflect only actions you want your team to be using.  For example, don’t want anyone on your team writing in a witty tone? Simply disable that action for everyone, or specific groups of people.  Add a new action for editing existing writing Give your team members actions that let them edit their knowledge more efficiently. For example, if you want all your authors to keep their knowledge content as concise as possible while sticking to your branded company tone, you could add an action to the menu called X company concise + tone adjustment with the following prompt: “Edit to be more concise, then adjust the tone to be friendly and professional.” Add a new action for creating content from scratch  For teams that are creating content with similar formats, you can create a prompt that your authors can use as a guiding outline with your approved style and tone already built in. For example, you could add a menu action called How-to article outline with the following prompt: “Create an outline for a how-to article in the voice of an HR Specialist. It should be direct, but at the same time, empathetic and friendly.” With Assist prompt management, you can ensure the company stays in compliance with your organization’s brand and best practices. Admins can access Assist prompt management by going to Settings > Guru Tools> Assist > Assist for authors.We’d love to hear examples of how you’re customizing Assist for your authors! Feel free to share below in the comments. 

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Inline comments are live on published Cards

Hi Community 👋 I’m back with an update that I hope will make some of your days: inline comments are now live on published Cards! We’ve seen feedback about this (with over 80 votes) shared in the Community so we’re happy to announce that now users are able to attach their comments to specific content within a Card. This feature works similarly to other apps your teams are likely using, so we hope it makes communication much easier.To leave an inline comment, highlight the text you’d like to comment on. A small pop-up menu will appear above the highlighted area. Click the pop-up to open a comment box to the right of the Card content and reveal other open comments on the Card. When leaving a comment, you can choose to tag another user or group to alert them to your comment, just like in the previous experience. Inline comments can be attached to text elements (lists, Card titles, headers, paragraphs, etc.) tables, and code blocks. With this move away from general Card comments, existing open comments have been attached to the title of the Card so they are easy to find. Resolved comments now appear in a new tab under Card history. Comments can be resolved and deleted in the same way they were in the previous comment experience. Notifications of comments and replies to comments work in the same way they used to as well.Learn more about the new commenting experience in our Help Center. We’re hard at work on bringing inline comments into drafts, stay tuned for that update later this fall!

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Answers: get trusted knowledge, instantly with generative AI!

Hey Community 👋 I’m excited to share the news that Answers, the new generative AI feature that lets you ask a natural language question and get a direct answer, is in open beta for all users on Builder plans and above*! Answers is a powerful tool to get employees the company knowledge they need to do their jobs, dramatically reducing the time to find exactly the right info. Alongside Guru’s powerful search, Knowledge Triggers, and recommendations, Answers delivers trusted information, fast. The experience is like popular AI tools your team may already be using, but securely connected to your company’s trusted information in Guru and beyond. We’re starting with Google Drive, and will be adding more sources soon! Admins can quickly connect Google Drive folders on the Apps and Integrations page. Once Google Drive folders have been connected, Guru users will be able to generate Answers based on the content in those folders. Learn more about how sources for Answers work in the help center. There are three ways to get Answers:Type your question into the search bar in the web app or the extension, including a question mark.  DM the Guru Slackbot or tag @Guru in a Slack channel with the question, including a question mark. Click the Ask a Question button in the top navigation bar of the Guru web app.Answers will go to work scanning Guru and connected sources, and will come back with a response within seconds. Users will see the underlying sources used to generate an answer, so they can dig deeper and get more context if they need it. They’ll also be able to rate the answer with a thumbs up or thumbs down. If an answer is especially useful, they can copy it and save it as a Guru Card. But if the answer isn’t exactly what they need, they’ll be able to search it or ask an expert, right from the same workflow. Better yet, Answers is available right within everyone’s workflow. Users can get Answers in Slack and in the extension, so they don’t have to stop what they’re doing and open a new app to get the info they need. We’re creating transparency around Answers so you can feel confident rolling this feature out to your team. Admins can review information generated by Answers by going to Settings in the Guru web app. They’ll be able to see questions that have been submitted, the Answers that have been provided, and review questions that didn’t generate Answers. Useful Answers can be submitted to an expert for review and verification so that info will be captured in Guru where it can be reused in the future. Learn more about expert review for Answers in the help center. We’re not done building Answers! We’ll continue adding new sources for Answers, increasing the amount of control admins have when rolling out Answers, and finding new ways to make this feature even more useful. If you have ideas for Answers or want to request a new source, share your thoughts in the Product Feedback section of the Community or upvote existing recommendations! We'd love to hear how your teams are using Answers. Drop us a comment in this post and share the love! * Don’t want Answers for your team? No problem! Admins can turn off the feature in Settings.  

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New + improved Knowledge Triggers: manage in the web app, add descriptions, and more!

Hello again Guru Community! Today I’m excited to announce some big and exciting changes to Knowledge Triggers. We’ve added a new page within Guru’s web application that allows authors and admins to easily create, manage, and track Knowledge Triggers. The Knowledge Triggers page can be found by navigating to Settings and will be listed under Guru Tools. You’ll be able to see all Knowledge Triggers for your Guru instance, including:Who created them What date they were created on Who created the Trigger The last time the Knowledge Triggers were activated From this new page, you can also create new Knowledge Triggers (you can still do this within the Chrome extension), delete any Triggers, and edit existing Triggers.When it comes to Knowledge Triggers, context is key. That’s why we’ve added the ability to add descriptions to your Triggers that will display for end users. That way they’ll understand why the Trigger is activated and how they can use it. Have Knowledge Triggers that you want to make sure your team doesn’t miss? We’ve also added the ability to choose how your Triggers display to your users. You can decide between a quieter notification with just an icon (this is how KT’s have historically displayed), or you now have the option to choose a louder notification that will display both the card title and the description. Any existing Triggers you have setup will continue to have the quieter notification unless you update them.But wait…there’s more! We’ve also updated the Knowledge Trigger icon to be more visually striking with our latest branding. Not familiar with Knowledge Triggers? Knowledge Triggers are a feature within Guru’s Chrome Extension that helps to surface knowledge to groups based on specified content or fields on the webpage they are viewing. Deliver the right knowledge to the right people, in their flow of work. 

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🚀 KM + Gen AI Awesomeness: Guru's Product Roadmap Unveiled! 🚀

Hi Community! I’m very excited to share a sneak peek at Guru’s Product Roadmap. I had a conversation with Guru’s amazing VP of Product, Ly Nguyen, where we chatted through the list of what’s in store for Guru this year. We have some game-changing features in the pipeline that will revolutionize knowledge management with the power of generative AI. Watch the on-demand roadmap webinar now! Guru uses the gen AI in the three essential ingredients for successful KM: discovering, creating, and improving knowledge. Employees can instantly discover precise answers, experts can effortlessly create trusted information, and leaders can continuously improve knowledge accuracy as your company evolves.Answers: Guru's gen AI-powered Answers will take you from question to answer in seconds, attaching sources for trust and verification. External sources will be connected, making Guru your company's true "single source of truth." Say goodbye to endless searches and hello to seamless knowledge flow. Knowledge Triggers glow-up: We’re revisiting Knowledge Triggers to make them easier to set up and take action on. Homepage: We’re creating the perfect place for everyone to start their day, right within Guru. Editor improvements: Collaboration gets a boost with collaborative drafts and inline comments, plus a bunch of quality of life improvements. Assist: Creating information will be a walk in the park with Guru's Assist. It optimizes your content, offers translations, and even summarizes technical documentation.  Workspaces: Tailor Guru to fit your company's needs with Workspaces—dedicated instances for different teams.  Approval Workflows: content can go through seamless approval processes before going live. Automations for improving company knowledge: Guru's new low-effort automations will keep your knowledge fresh and reliable. Auto-archiving unverified, unused Cards and other automation features will ensure your experts can focus on what matters most.The future is bright with Guru's Summer 2023 Product Roadmap--and it’s all thanks to the feedback of users like you! AI-powered discovery, effortless content creation, and automated continuous improvement will transform your knowledge management experience. Stay tuned for these incredible updates and prepare for an epic journey into the world of knowledge management awesomeness! 🌟 Click here to watch the roadmap presentation!

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Shared drafts: a new collaborative editing experience in Guru

Hi Guru Community! Many of you have asked for this feature, so I’m excited to let you know that we began releasing collaborative editing in Guru this morning. Thanks to the feedback shared in posts like Indicate when two people are editing a Card, Real-time collaboration on Guru Cards, and Implement shared drafts, we created a new Card editing experience that will let authors collaborate on content, right within Guru.We understand that SMEs and authors often need to get feedback, iterate, and refine what they've written before publishing it. With this new functionality, you can say goodbye to workarounds and keep the process of content collaboration inside of Guru. Shared drafts are available for both newly created and pre-existing Cards, so the whole process of knowledge management can take place right within Guru. The experience should feel similar to other apps you’ve used:Authors working together on a draft.Shared drafts open up a whole new world of publishing workflows! For example, an author can write a draft of a Card, share that draft with someone who can approve and verify it, and then let that approver publish the Card. When it comes to updating existing Cards, we’re making it easier for authors to let readers know what’s changed. Authors can choose to add some context before publishing, so readers that follow Cards can get a TL;DR update before opening the Card. Anyone with access to the Card can also review this note in Card Details.Here’s what’s changing with shared drafts:Users will no longer have their own individual drafts of existing cards.  There will be NO automatic update for existing drafts. Individual drafts of existing cards will be available until November 30, 2023. Individual draft owners can delete, copy, and publish these drafts as necessary before then. These changes will be communicated in-app leading up to the deletion of these drafts after November 30, 2023. You will be able to share drafts of new Cards that you made before this release began if you’d like. Drafts of new Cards that you created before this release will not be removed in November. Drafts will auto-save (just like the editing experience in apps like Google Docs).  The “Save a draft" button no longer appears. The editor will be in full-screen (vs. in an overlay). A new Publish modal will make it clearer whether an author wants to verify the Card and notify followers of the changes.  This modal includes an open text box so publishers can notify followers with a summary of changes to the Card. In the Drafts area of Tasks, you will see collaborators listed next to each Draft, if there are any. Revision history on Cards will show publish change notes and collaborators on that draft. We're consolidating the actions related to publishing a card to the top right of the Card.  We’ve added new filters to the Drafts area of Card Manager. How are you planning to use shared drafts? Let us know how this feature will help your team by leaving a comment on this post!

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Introducing Workspaces: Separate Guru instances you can share knowledge across

Greetings Guru Community!Today we launched Workspaces: a feature that gives you the control and flexibility to manage multiple teams, brands, partners, etc. in their own Guru instance, while giving you the ability to share your knowledge across them.  Each Workspace will have separate:Users  Billing Workspace name  Theme colors (if you choose to customize) Dashboard right rail (featured cards + content widget) What can you do across Workspaces:Share knowledge Collections - Shared Collections will be read-only  Send Announcements  Here are some examples of how Guru customers are using Workspaces:Sandbox trial: If you’d like to start with content, there’s no risk of messing up your existing team/Workspace. You can also use this as a way to try out features that you’re not ready to switch on for your main workspace (like Answers or Assist). Expand Guru to a new team at your company: Any new Workspace you create, will begin as a 30 day free trial. You can share some collections from your existing Workspace with the new team, giving them a realistic Guru experience with company knowledge already built in. Subsidiaries, multiple brands, or new acquisitions: Reduce noise and maintain control with separate Workspaces that contain relevant knowledge, users, and custom branding.  BPOs or Partners: Create multiple Workspaces to keep separate login/security, and billing, while sharing relevant knowledge across them. We’d love to hear how you’re using Workspaces! Leave a comment here to share. 

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