Answers Analytics Gets an Update!
This update to Answers Analytics replaces the previous "Answered Questions" and "Unanswered Questions" on the Answers Analytics page with a single table of all questions for your team and adds more rows of data related to each question. Additionally this table is exportable for all my folks who would like to slice and dice it in your favorite spreadsheet tool!
The 90 Day Limit on Slack Syncs Has Been Removed!
When connecting Slack as a source, there is no longer a 90 day time limit on the synced data. All channels selected to be synced will have all their content synced. This change does not impact existing Slack syncs, if you have an existing Slack sync and want to take advantage of this change, you will need to delete it and re-add it. However, we will not longer be purging data after 90 days, so existing Slack syncs will continue to sync data beyond the 90 day window starting January 30th.
Speaker Notes are in the Building!
Speaker notes from Google Slides will now be synced and used when generating answers! This change will only apply to newly synced or modified files, so previously synced and unmodified files won't be impacted.
Links within Guru are now snazzier and more accessible than ever!
All links now appear as black with an accessible underline by default, ensuring clarity and inclusivity. If you prefer the classic link colors, they can be customized through the text style menu in both the editor and custom pages. Check out the blog post if you’d like to learn more about this change!
Upload Files to Knowledge Agents During Creation
"File Upload" is now an option when creating a Knowledge Agent! When selected, you will go through the normal file upload workflow and once complete, can create your new Knowledge Agent with just uploaded files - no need for any other sources!
Files uploaded during the creation flow are self contained within the Knowledge Agent itself (i.e. not available to other Knowledge Agents,) and are can be removed in the Files tab of the Knowledge Agent.

Permission Knowledge Agents During Creation
This is a small improvement to the Knowledge Agent Creation flow that adds a second step where Admins can set permissions for the Knowledge Agent at the time of creation - simplifying the process of adding Viewers and Experts! integrations just got easier!
When setting up as a source, you can now select multiple Boards and Groups, rather than having to set up a new integration for each Board/Group combination. All existing legacy sources still work, but if you want to add any more boards/groups, they will be going through the newer source.