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I'd love to know your best tips for getting more people to use Guru. consistently What features or things that you've done have you found have led to better adoption from your teams (templates, search tips, tagging, etc.)?
Monthly internal "update" emails! You can shout out top users, rockstar card creators, verifiers that are on top of it, aaaaand socialize newly created (or significantly modified) cards that the team may have missed. Its an opportunity to showcase reps that are working hard and to re-distribute information :slightlysmilingface:

Also… I include at least two memes in each one, so folks open the email just to see the jokes (mwahahahaha… I've tricked the team!)
We set up a formal process that's part of our culture where folks are highly encouraged to comment on cards (to flag content that is missing/needs updates). I keep track of those comments in a separate spreadsheet that managers have access to, and during performance reviews, those comments are seen as additional bonuses to give the agent a more favourable overall performance review.

I also always make sure to follow up with the agent to thank them/let them know their flag was updated/resolved where I can
Sounds kind of silly - but I made sure information could not be found anywhere BUT in Guru. So if the team is looking for info/guidance they have no choice but to check Guru as they have no alternative. I find the more senior team members wont go into Guru often as they don't need the info - but when needed they now know where to go!
A few other fun ideas:

• When fantasy football was a thing:rollingonthefloorlaughing: I created a card with stats - told one person about it and watched it gradually get shared getting people excited about Guru

• When trying to teach people about KA's - I said I would donate a specific $ to a charity a team member was involved in - per person who clicked "I read it" - I don't think this created continuous behavior but kept them in tune with how everything works when alerts go out
Love this @allie.sokoloff! 🏈
We did something like what @allie.sokoloff said: closed all parallel information sources, official or unofficial (created internally by different teams).

Also, all official communications for our sector are currently posted as a card on Guru so, if you don't use it, you surely will make some kind of mistake on your daily work.

Also have a usage per department dashboard which is used by managers and supervisors to see their teams.
I love that! We do use TextExpander, and have a public facing help doc site, so those are typically the two "other" places people will search. For the most part, we've had a really successful Guru adoption, but in the beginning searching was not yielding great results so some people wound up frustrated- but I think that's getting much better!
