
Guru for white paper?

  • 27 September 2021
  • 4 replies

Hello Gurus,

I am new to Guru, hoping to use it as a tool for presenting and managing our project white paper. Something similar is done with Gitbooks.

Anyone have any warnings, tips or thoughts on this endeavor?


4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @Gabriel B ! I hope you are doing well and loving Guru so far! I believe I can offer inspiration, but want to ask a few questions first to understand your use case - what team is owning the project process and how do you define white paper? 


On our end, we’ve published a few white papers. They live in Guru in the Marketing collection → Sales Assets board group.



Once a white paper is published, the card looks like this!


This blogpost (focused on engineering teams) includes some inspiration and templates as well for a collaborative process. Depending on what team is working together on your white paper and how technical it is, this could help! 


Thanks for your reply! that’s looking fairly good.

Originally i was looking at gitbook. but I didnt like the UX on creating things. Guru felt better to me in that regard.

the main reason is I need a robut and editable whitepaper for our gaming projects.

I can show you one example that I think works very well.

So ideally im looking for something that can publish in this way. Neat with sections and sub content lists.

Userlevel 6
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Oh that makes sense! You can definitely accomplish this with Guru, and distribute verification to different folks who are in charge of keeping certain sections of that white paper up-to-date if multiple folks are involved. 


An example that comes to mind is one I recently built for our frameworks in the sales collection. We recreated a sales playbook that was organized with board groups, boards, card sections, etc. i’ll include some pics, but I recommend having an intro to the white paper collection / index card that can act as a table of contents for folks to click through to what they need. (help center article about card to card linking here). 


 Sales Playbook Example: 




Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Index card example (Shout out to @Shona Fenner , who shared this at a previous Deep Dive)


