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I know that it's possible to pull linked Zendesk tickets via the API. Has someone done magic with a Zap that can get linked ticket IDs sent to a Google Sheet? This is slightly out of my wheelhouse so I'm not even sure of the right questions to ask around this. I'm thinking of trying to gather reports of user feature requests in a Guru card and link the relevant tickets. It'd be great if the linked tickets were viewable right in Guru, but I still think that's not possible?
cc @mhouston who might have thoughts on this. Also, @siobhan if you use Zapier, and interest in joining our ipaas beta program?
Hi @siobhan we can add this to product feedback (linked tickets viewable right in Guru). In the meantime, I can send you a Google Sheet that calls our API endpoint and fills into a google sheet up to 500 rows of ticket-linked events. All you would need to do it *Enter their username and API token* in the designated cells & wait a few seconds for the data to load (It loads in batches of 25 rows so it may take a little while for all the data to load). Please check your email for the sheet and please make a copy to store in your own drive!
super cool! thanks @mhouston When it ask for username and API token, is that just for me? Or do I need to do this for every user in our account? I'm not clear if it will only pull tickets linked by that username or just needs a Guru admin email and API token.
I believe you will need to be an admin (i.e. use an admin's username + API token) to view all tickets linked by your users. I just asked our engineers to check as well to confirm 100%.
thanks! i am an admin.
awesome! Then this should work for you! Let me know if you have any questions.
perfect! this is amazing. thank you for helping me avoid both having to figure out API stuff and needing to bother someone else to figure out 😆
