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Am I missing it, or is there no total number of cards that need Verification in My Tasks? The only place I can see this right now is in the morning Slack notification, but sometimes I just want to know the total after I've chipped away for a while. I realize I can do this in Card Manager, but I'm really just looking for a total number somewhere on the My Tasks page.
Seems the only place is the Card Manager. Good feedback for @chrisanderson.
@Emily Singer I'm not sure this is what you're looking for, but I can see it from my Dashboard (see screenshot).

I * think * the number on the left is the total number of unverified cards and the number on the right is the number of unverified cards you are the verifier for.

When you're working through verifying cards, you can refresh the page to update the number. :slightlysmilingface:screenshot2020-12-16at74933am_5283.png
@kaitlin yes, great call out - @esinger is this what you're looking for? A couple of other notes on this:

• The screenshot Kaitlin shared is from the main dashboard

Cards to verify reflects cards that you are the individual verifier for, and if you're in a group that is the verifier

• If you mouse over the :informationsource: icon next to Cards to verify_ if will show you the impact on your team's Trust Score if you verify all of your cards (pretty cool!)
That said, I'm also sharing this feedback w/Product, as it's apparent that it would be helpful to show the total number of cards to verify in your queue on the My Tasks page as well!
Thanks so much - that extra callout on the dashboard was exactly what I was looking for. And agreed, would still be great to see this on the My Task page. Thanks @kaitlin and @chrisanderson!
Learnt something new too, yay!
i bet we could tap into the API so that you could summon that info directly in slack
Hmmm good thinking @donovan! @mhouston FYI
You can get this information via API if you are interested in integrating your unverified cards somewhere!

`GET` will bring in the total list of cards you need to verify in order of next verification date.
thanks for this @mhouston i see the results when i call it. had no idea this existed!
