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  • What is the problem?

    • In order to see what Zendesk tickets a card is linked to, you have to use the API.

  • Who is it a problem for?

    • Anyone looking for some quick information on how many tickets have been linked to a card.

  • How do you solve the problem today?

    • Open a new window, log in to our custom solution, find the card, look at linked tickets list.

  • How would you ideally solve the problem?

    • Tab on the card itself with ticket links, date ticket created, subject

  • How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact etc.)?

    • We had to make an entire custom solution to get this information out of Guru which isn’t really sustainable as there’s not a dedicated team to maintain the solution. We’ll likely have to move away from Guru for tracking the product feedback on tickets the way we have been. It’s hard for others to consume that data which is sad because the workflow for linking a ticket is so easy for Support! 

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