Add analytics for title search actions

Related products: Analytics Navigation and Search

Hey team! I wanted to request some expanded functionality in the metric reporting for ‘searches’ via Guru’s Analytics.

Currently, a search is only logged if a user types their query and clicks ENTER. If they click into one of the quick-select Top Title Matches that Guru displays as the query is being typed, however, this does not get logged by analytics.

The autocomplete title matches are a useful, efficient way for end users to quickly open a card without fully typing out their query, but this benefit is reduced if it skews the analytic reporting on the backend.  I’d like to request that these partial searches be logged by Guru Analytics, so that we can have a clearer reporting picture of our team’s actions in Guru.  Thanks!

Hi Nathan, 

PM for Search & Discovery here. Long-term we would like to provide additional search analytics for admins so this is a great post, I’m sure other teams would like insight into this part of search too. I’m curious, if you have a chance, to know a bit more about how you’d like to see information about this part of Guru’s search functionality:

  1. If we showed how many or which cards were viewed through this short list, would that be enough? I’m imagining a list like we have for “Searches producing results” but instead it’d be a list of cards accessed from title search, perhaps with the same kind of drill down we have today. 
  2. Do you want to know other things about cards viewed through this quick access option? For example, which position in the list they were (1, 2 or 3)?
  3. How would you want to see the search terms that led to these card views, if at all? For example, someone might type ‘fee’ to get to a card called “Peer Feedback” or one called “Fee schedule”, is that useful to know? 

If there’s another thought that comes to mind, I’m all ears for that too. 




Hi Laura,

Thanks so much for the reply! These are great questions.

  1. Seeing how many or which cards were viewed through the shortlist would definitely be helpful!
  2. Assuming the short-listed cards are ordered based on match strength, then order would be helpful to see. And I haven’t gotten this granular w/ the search analytics yet (so apologies if this exists already), but a really cool thing to see would be some indication of whether the search resulted in a card view, copy, etc. Basically -- was the search successful?
  3. To go along with the ranking above, being able to see the final version of the truncated query would also be helpful to see if we can do QA to spot opportunities for improvements.

I see all of these being things we would use in a later version of our current project -- especially one where we are more rigorously doing QA on our content and search effectiveness.

That said, our current need isn’t quite that granular -- we’re just looking at the quantity of total searches at this point (to compare w/ card-copies/card-link-copies). 

So, in addition to the current reporting on ‘completed’ searches (i.e. pressing ENTER), being able to see event date, user for a new ‘title-search’ event type would help us fill the gap we’re currently facing.  

Thanks so much for digging in here!

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

  1. Got it.
  2. Got it! You’re correct that title matches are ordered by match strength/relevance (which is more heavily based on keyword matching than ‘regular’ search). This position information isn’t available in the reports we offer today, good to know you’d find it useful. Great suggestion for adding information about the “outcome” of a search (copy, view, etc.). That information is helpful for knowing that people are finding the results useful. 
  3. Makes sense. 

Thanks for the context about your current plans and needs, we know this kind of information is important for being able to gauge content value and usage. Hopefully we’ll get more details from others customers and be able to get this prioritized down the road!