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Remove need to resolve comments

Related products: User Experience

Hello! To preface, our team members are developers who are very familiar with community websites and Q&A platforms. The comment functionality in Guru doesn’t seem to be intuitive, unfortunately.

  1. It’s not clear how to access/read the comment text on a card. In the example below, the Comment button indicates there are 2 comments. But when we click on it, there is nothing there… After randomly clicking on Resolved tab we find the comments there, but there is no way for anyone to know this. If there was some indication, like Open (0) Resolved (2), at least it would provide some clue where to look.
    1. Why do all the comments need to be “resolved” to begin with? For example, if someone asks to make a correction in a card, that needs an action but someone could just comment “great content”. The latter requires no resolution. Would it make sense to distinguish between questions/suggestions (need resolution) and random feedback comments (usually no follow-up needed)?
    2. At minimum, maybe there could be “All” tab that would show all the comments? We would like to invite healthy discussions among the readers on the knowledge subject. We thought that comments would enable that but they are not easy to access if someone “resolves” them and generate unwanted notifications.

      Please let me know if more information is needed. Thank you!

Agreed with #2 here. Not all comments require a resolution. This is one part of the comment function I found difficult. I understand why a comment would need to be resolved “ Hey Joe, update this line, it is incorrect!”, but many times, the comment thread could be a running history of updates, or other things which just don’t need to be resolved.