Use card manager to filter new content with the ability to exclude specific collections

Related products: Knowledge Management Tools

Hi there.

I checked with your support team who said this wasn’t a current function and suggested I raise it here.

The old “New Cards” tab was very valuable to us, however following the recent update we are looking at ways we can proactively push our new content out to users using the card manager and filters instead.

We have been able to do this and filter certain groups of verifiers, however there are some collections that we would not want to include when we push out content, so wondered if it would be possible at some point to add another option to be able to exclude specific collections when filtering.

Thank you.

Hi Angela!

Thanks for sharing what you’re trying to do and why. We are looking at ways to make it easier for people to find recently created cards as we know some teams relied on that.  

If it were possible to include multiple collections in the Card Manger, vs today’s filter which only supports choosing one collection at a time, would that be helpful?

I’d also love to know how you’re pushing this content out to your team. What channel is that happening on and how frequently?


Hi Laura

Thank you very much for your reply.

Yes, I think having multiple collections would be helpful as it would allow us to push out only relevant content.

We are in a very fast moving environment where we are constantly having to make sure staff are aware of activity across all areas of our business, so the previous “new cards” function was ideal as it was part of everyone’s daily routine to check on what’s new, especially after periods of absence say holidays or sickness.

We are trying to keep “push” activity to a minimum, however with users not being able to easily view new content without going into each collection every day, we have found that a weekly update using the card manager will at least allow users to see the overview of what is new in the business.

Of course, announcements are used in cases where we have to ensure everyone needs to know something specific, but other than than that we want to ensure that users are proactively looking to see what’s going on.

Hope that helps clarify a little what we are trying to achieve.

Thanks again!

Got it, thanks @Angela McCarthy 👍