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Release Note

Now live: Slack, OneDrive, and SharePoint as sources, and some editor improvements!

Related products: Apps and Integrations Card Creation AI Suggest & Generative AI
Now live: Slack, OneDrive, and SharePoint as sources, and some editor improvements!

Hello Guru Community!

We are coming into the new year hot with some exciting new sources for Answers and features within the editor.

New sources for Answers: 

You can now connect Box, Dropbox, OneDrive and SharePoint as sources for Answers. Similar to how Google Drive for Answers integration works, you have the ability to select which folders you want to connect to Guru, so only specific content is used to answer questions. As a best practice, we recommend using a system account when connecting to a new source application, instead of your personal one. This gives you a very transparent view into exactly what folders and files Guru has access to and ensures Guru only pulls content from approved sources when suggesting answers.

If you’ve previously set up a Box or Dropbox sync, you’ll need to update your integration, as we’ve improved the experience to be folder selection-based rather than syncing everything. Upon adding a folder, your previous sync will be replaced. 


Slack as a source:

We’ve also added the ability to connect to Slack as a source for Answers, which enables users to find Answers from knowledge sharing that may be happening in channels and threads. You’ll be able to connect 25 Slack channels - we recommend ones where a lot of questions are asked or knowledge is shared. Once connected, users can ask a question in Guru and Answers will use those Slack channels (plus any other connected sources) and knowledge stored in Guru to surface an answer. To learn more, check out our Help Center article.




And, we’ve added a few delightful features to our editor to make knowledge more engaging and easier to consume:



Callout boxes: Use callout boxes to highlight important information within a card and customize with a colored background.


Collapsible sections: Create sections within a card that can be collapsed and expanded.


Both features can be accessed from the top navigation bar when editing a card, or with the forward slash (/) command.




Hi, love the feature to use Slack as a source!

I was testing it out and was somehow able to add more than 3 channels, and was wondering whether there will be a cap on the number of channels we can add.

Also, will there be any plans to increase the referencing range over 90 days? 


Hey @Hanna Bae!

Good catch, we actually updated the limit to 25 shortly after releasing this - which will be the new limit for the time being. For the moment we don’t have any hard plans to increase the limit of 90 days but it’s something we’re going to be closely monitoring. If that would be helpful for your team, I recommend logging this as a new “Feedback” post. This will help us quantify interest and prioritize accordingly!



Hey @Hanna Bae!

Good catch, we actually updated the limit to 25 shortly after releasing this - which will be the new limit for the time being. For the moment we don’t have any hard plans to increase the limit of 90 days but it’s something we’re going to be closely monitoring. If that would be helpful for your team, I recommend logging this as a new “Feedback” post. This will help us quantify interest and prioritize accordingly!



Great, thanks!

Hi team! We’re loving the release of callouts and collapsible in our team as we were using markdowns until now and having built-in callouts will make our lives so much easier.

We’re planning to start using this in the new cards and gradually update all of our published cards (approx.1k) using this. 

We do have a little feedback though regarding the callouts. We’re using markdowns as headings to make our cards more visually appealing to our users and we adapted Guru’s markdown templates to have rounded corners and nice spacing above/under the text.

However, if we use the callout and add a heading inside of it, the spacing is too big and it looks weird.

markdown version we use currently


callout with small heading


This also happens if we add simple text - the space added above/under the text seems too big:

markdown version we use currently
new built-in callout


Is there any way how to fix this spacing?


We also wish that in the collapsible, the whole title is clickable and expands the collapsible, not just the arrow which might not be so obvious to many users that are not used to collapsible sections.