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Starting to get into Knowledge Triggers. Wondering how do you setup a Knowledge Trigger for a website such as SalesForce, where every case or ticket is a different URL? Ideally, I would like to have Knowledge Triggers appear when typing emails to clients and using specific keywords. 


For example, our Salesforce URL is

An example of a case would be Number]/view

Each case has a different number in the URL.


I tried setting the trigger to enable on, however that does not seem to work. 


Any suggestions? 

Hi Ryan!

Thanks so much for reaching out! You should be able to use a broad website url like the URL when creating a trigger so it happens on any case.  What issue are you running into? Is it just not triggering on the page when you save the trigger? Is it only triggering on certain pages?

It may be best for you to submit a ticket to our Support team here so we can dig in to see if it’s a technical issue. You can also book 15 min with one of our Digital Customer Solutions Engineers and walk through what you’re trying to do on your screen (usually the fastest way to figure things out.) 

Here to help!
