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12 Days of Guru ❄️ Day 2: Measure your Trust Score

  • 2 December 2021
  • 16 replies

Good morning Guru Community! I hope you enjoyed our introduction to the 12 Days of Guru! It was so great to see your comments about how you measure adoption rate.


Yesterday's Winner …


Thank you so much for participating @brookethebatman @Elizabeth Fugikawa @Anastasia Rybalko @Katelyn Do @kelly @Valerie Renda @Shona Fenner @Lindsey Hart @Amanda Labby @Nina Frank @Ben Sykes @Sylvia Rodriguez and @Sarah W !!! You were all entered in our daily drawing.


The winner is …. @kelly !!!!!! Kelly will get to chose between a $25 gift card or Guru swag. Kelly, be on the look out for a message in your community & email inbox!



What is the 12 Days of Guru?

If you are hearing of 12 Days of Guru for the first time, starting December 1st until our Holiday Deep Dive on December 16th, we'll be dropping a series of tips in the Guru Community to help you recognize your 2021 impact with Guru.

  • Participants will have the chance to win prizes daily by measuring the Guru metric of the day and sharing your findings in the thread. 

  • By the end of the 12 Days, you’ll have all the information you’ll need to complete a Year in Review Card or PDF you can share with your team. 

  • You’ll be able to submit your final Card for a grand prize. 

  • At the Deep Dive, we'll meet to share our wins, mix and mingle, and celebrate before the holidays!

Follow along with these 12 Days of Guru resources and don’t forget to RSVP to the Deep Dive:


Day 2 Challenge!

Who’s ready for Day 2?! Today’s metric of the day is about your Guru trust score.


Guru provides a trust score that represents the percentage of your content that is verified and up to date. Every team is different, but accounts with the highest usage have trust scores above 85%, meaning only 1/8 of their content is out of date.


Today, we’ll take a look at your current trust score to see how strongly you’re wrapping up the year. We’ll also look at the consistency of your trust score over 2021. 


To measure your trust score: 

  1. Web App: Go to the web app ( and the initial dashboard will display the trust score. You can always return to the dashboard by clicking the 'G' icon in the left hand corner of the navigation bar.DO_+Understanding+Trust+Score.png 
  2. Analytics: Navigate to Analytics in the web app ( to view the trust score in the top right corner of the Analytics portal.DO_+Trust+Score+-+Analytics.png

  3.  Change the date range to “Is in the year 2021” and refresh your data!


Watch this Loom Video for step-by-step instructions:



What trust score are you ending the year with? Was your trust score consistent over the whole year? What was your average trust score? Share your answers to any of those questions with the Guru Community below for the chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card or Guru swag item of your choice! The winner will be announced tomorrow morning with our Day 3 Challenge post. :relaxed:


P.S. There’s still time to boost your trust score! Find ways to improve it and set yourself up for more consistency in the new year in this help center article. 

16 replies

Userlevel 3

Ahahaha all of us took last week off so things are looking a bit dusty in the verification queue. Usually we get them all done within 7 days. I haven’t looked at it today, but the trust score has been coming up bit by bit all week. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Dusty :joy:  That’s totally fair Sarah! It’s that improvement over time that we love to see. Also, does anyone reading this find that Card ownerships tend to be shifted EOY as responsibilities evolve, which can affect verification? That is happening to me today in my current Deep Dive board :)

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Our average for 2021 is a solid 99%! It helps when the majority of cards are verified by me :upside_down: , but a small handful of them are also owned by two subject matter experts who are very diligent about keeping info up to date. 

One thing that I find that helps me keep my Guru cards up to date and therefore results in a quicker verification is doing regular audits on a quarterly basis. This is done by looking at frontline tickets and seeing whether they are solvable using external documentation (our Help Centre) and/or internal documentation (Guru). These often expose Guru cards that are either outdated or missing key info that I can dedicate some time to fixing.

P.S. Shoutout to the Card Manager feature - it’s a huge lifesaver in bulk-verifying multiple Guru cards, or clearing out the ones that I know are verified from a particular board/collection so I can see what’s left. 



Userlevel 6
Badge +3

@brookethebatman WOW - top of the charts! The quarterly audit and card manager tips are such great hacks. I’ve heard of people turning those quarterly audits into group parties as well (verification pizza party anyone?!). Maybe we should make it a goal to have a Guru Community version in 2022 :) 

Userlevel 3

We adopted Guru at the end of 2020 for just a few teams, and then expanded in 2021. A lot of the early content was imported from Confluence, so some spikes are when a bunch of cards came up for verification at once! We started with a program for a rep from each team to be in charge of reviewing all cards and verify the ones they know, but this is something we’re planning to change, especially after learning a ton from the deep dive on the knowledge council back in October


Userlevel 3

We’re at 80% right now! Lots of changes over the year, since we’ve been doing a lot of work to update our content and make verification easier. Average score is 86%. We also learned that you have to spread out the verification responsibility as much as possible or cards never get verified :sweat:



Userlevel 1

What trust score are you ending the year with? 72%

Was your trust score consistent over the whole year? We have a bit of a dip in the summer that is consistent with changes and busy season so folks may not have been able to keep up with maintenance. 

What was your average trust score? 74%

I couldn’t see the data only for my team since we do have 95% trust score just with our collection. The data wasn’t populating when I try to pick a specific collection to review. So, I’ll probably try again.

I like to go through these exercises to see what we can do :)

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Ah, trust score… we’re on a bit of a decline after having to unverify quite a few cards about CS processes while moving to a pooled CSM model. It’s driving me a little nuts, but change is good, we’re moving forward, and this documentation will be updated (I just need to be patient lol). I like when we are over 90% as it’s an “A” grade… 



Userlevel 3

Went in to take a screenshot and then right afterward bumped it up from 94% to 96% :grinning:  Pretty happy with the result. We aim to have about 97-98% most of the time. We have some changes going on with the product currently and intentionally leave some cards unverified. Usually we love the custom interval feature, however we’re in a place where the change may be so unexpected (and coming from a third-party) that we prefer to leave those few cards unverified.


Userlevel 3

Our trust score is currently at 78% (can’t see analytics - I’m still just the lame one here on the Starter plan)! We were consistently around 90% when we first rolled out - but it’s a really busy time of year for our teams, so it’s definitely gone down a bit in the last few weeks.

We have our first Knowledge Council meeting next week and one of our agenda items will be how to push more timely verification of Cards.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Not as “pretty” as some of the others but we are still happy with our 82%. We are going through a revamp of our SME team and procedure but our adoption has exploded, which has resulted in a backlog on the verification queue.

Userlevel 3

We just dropped down to 88%. We launched around 3 months ago and set a lot of our content to come up for review in 3 months so there’s quite a bit that needs some quick verifications from people across the business. Our CSM gave us some tactics to batch verify (and warned us at the outset), but we weren’t as diligent as we should have been, so here we are! Hoping to get that back up soon :punch_tone2:

What trust score are you ending the year with? 88% (can maybe bring it back up soon though!)

Was your trust score consistent over the whole year? Pretty consistent! Lots of learning curves and time prepping the tool before launch though that skews that average figure. 

What was your average trust score? 94%

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

OMG! how cool… I’M EXCITED!!!!!

Now on to trust scores. I mentioned this on my last deep dive but we share guru with many, many individuals and are working towards the magical land of 100% trust. With that being said - right now our average is at 77% which is not perfect but we are making strides!

DAY 2 - OUT!


Userlevel 2

We’ve been lucky to have strong adoption from our Knowledge Council (Go training and enablement team!) and have maintained a fairly high trust score of 97% despite having nearly 1,000 cards. Card manager has been a lifesaver for managing these at a larger scale. We had a major drop due to reassignment of card verification ownership, but building the Knowledge Council and managing the cards efficiently helped us recover quickly as we built up the card library.

Userlevel 3

We’ve had a lot of peaks and troughs as we brought in content from various other tools and systems, we had a massive content verification drive in July, so looking forward to the nose dive the Trust Score is going to do next month :joy:  although happy to say that for now, we’re closing the year out on 91%.


Userlevel 3

Our Trust Score for all collections (across multiple teams) is currently 74%. We started 2021 at 86% and stayed right around 70% consistently (going as low as 61% a couple times). We are in the process of putting together a 5 Whys to get to the root cause on this!

For the team we have direct oversight on, we stayed at the low-mid 90’s pretty consistently!
