12 Days of Guru ❄️ Day 11! Estimated Time Saved!

  • 15 December 2021
  • 14 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Good morning Guru Community! Welcome to Day 11 of 12 Days of Guru. :snowman:  This one .. might be my FAVORITE. Can’t wait to see you at tomorrow’s Deep Dive!


Yesterday's Winner …

Thank you so much for participating and sharing quotes from your team!  @kelly @Anastasia Rybalko  @Ian Link  @Elizabeth Fugikawa @Valerie Renda  @Niti Patel ! 


You were all entered in our daily drawing. The winner from Day 9 is ….  @Ian Link !!!!! you will get to chose between a $25 gift card or Guru swag. Be on the look out for a message in your email inbox!


What is the 12 Days of Guru?

If you are hearing of 12 Days of Guru for the first time, starting December 1st until our Holiday Deep Dive on December 16th, we'll be dropping a series of tips in the Guru Community to help you recognize your 2021 impact with Guru.

  • Participants will have the chance to win prizes daily by measuring the Guru metric of the day and sharing your findings in the thread. 

  • By the end of the 12 Days, you’ll have all the information you’ll need to complete a Year in Review Card or PDF you can share with your team. 

  • You’ll be able to submit your final Card for a grand prize. 

  • At the Deep Dive, we'll meet to share our wins, mix and mingle, and celebrate before the holidays!

Follow along with these 12 Days of Guru resources and don’t forget to RSVP to the Deep Dive:


Day 11 Challenge!


Things are about to get real. We’re going to calculate how much time we think our teams saved this year by searching in Guru first.



How much time did you save with Guru? Share below!


Multiply Card views x Estimated time it would take to find the answer shoulder tapping. 


The  result = your estimated total time saved!


Easily pull your Total # of Card Views from Day 3’s Challenge: 


I’ll be estimating that we saved 5 minutes every time we find information on a Guru Card vs. Shoulder tapping. 


Since our total card views were 585,030 . 

585,030 x 5 = 2,925,150 minutes saved!!!


WOW. That’s crazy! I can’t wait to see what your minutes saved were! Drop your calculations below and enter for a chance to win. 



P.S. You’ll have another chance to win tomorrow AND you’ll be able to enter to win the grand prize by sharing a copy of your Year in Review Card! Use this Card to find instructions on how to pull all the metrics. Can’t wait to see what your impact with Guru was in 2021!

12 Days of Guru Details: Measure your 2021 Impact!

14 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Thats a lot of minutes saved… @Callie Rojewski 

Our total card views were 73,514

73,514 x 5 = 367,570 MINUTES :nerd:

Userlevel 3

29,416 views x 5 minutes = 147,080 minutes saved! 

Userlevel 3

36,784 * 5min = 183920min = 3065 hours!!!!!

That is mind-blowing

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

We saved 2,925,150 minutes by searching in Guru! HECK YES. Looping in some different folks, this should be a very satisfying number to calculate @Shona Fenner @brookethebatman @Katelyn Do  @Alex Avila @Nina Frank @Zev Zoldan @Sarah W @Deborah Sanderfur @Grace Taylor @Kristin Fretz @Michelle Williams @Brianna Zoffka @Caspar Hübinger @Ben Sykes 

Userlevel 3

7389 x 5 = 36,945 minutes :grinning:  .. or 616 hours – which blows my mind even more). Looking at the other stats here, it looks like people have saved years in Guru.

Userlevel 2

With the average lookup time being 3-5 minutes, I wanted to go with 3 minutes to be conservative. To date, we’ve had:

6,366 cards viewed x 3 minutes per search = 19,098 minutes saved!


That’s 318.3 hours, or a collective ~40 DAYS of paid work. It’s been an absolutely huge boost in efficiency!

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

29,416 views x 5 minutes = 147,080 minutes saved! 

I just want to say that this is BEST case scenario. We come from a “Slack is our KB” world where I would easily spend 8-12 min looking for something someone said way back.

Userlevel 3

236413 views x 5 mins = 1,182,065 minutes saved:raised_hands:

= ~ 19,701 hours = ~ 820 days! WOW

Userlevel 3

Based on a card export we have 42,533 total card views across 1090 cards. Also using 3 minutes for my estimate here.

42,533 x 3 min = 127,599 minutes or 2,126 hours or 88 days :scream:

Userlevel 5
Badge +3



38,989 views times 5 = 194,945 minutes saved (aka 3,249 hours or 135 full days)

Userlevel 1

There are some very impressive numbers. Ours is 215,685 minutes. This is so near and dear to my heart because I am all about saving time - more often than not, we spend way more than 5 minutes looking for something! Thanks for the tip - now I know what to do and show some concrete numbers.

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

WOW! :scream:

We saved 39,442 x 5 = 197,210 minutes! That is 3286 hours or 136 days :astonished:

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

93,779 views x 5 = 468,895 minutes?! That’s the equivalent of 325 days, so we’ve saved almost a year’s worth of time?


