Guru Deep Dive Recap: Automating Guru Workflows

  • 26 August 2021
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Hey y’all! Today we dove into automated Guru workflows. Shoutout to our speakers for sharing examples! @Mary Houston @Kristin Fretz  @Hassan Muhammad and Ewan Farry


Common challenges around this topic include: 

  •  Context-switching between workspaces takes time

  • Process management has gotten a lot more complicated in a remote/hybrid working world

  • It’s hard to find time to unpack insights about how team members are using Guru


Tips for automating a workflow: 

Define your challenge. What am I doing manually, that there could be a workaround for? Is there a way to get notifications to manage tasks in a place I’m already looking on a day-to-day basis? 

Design your workflow. Start with: 

  • The trigger (the first activity)

  • The action (the correlated activity)

  • The end result


Automated Guru Workflow Ideas included:


Topic: Timestamp:
Managing Verification  8:25
Managing Verifying Groups 10:53
Jira Example 13:15
Managing Permissions 13:44
Managing Comments 13:53
Favorite Card Alerts 14:45
Creating Onboarding Material 13:37
Syncing Newsletters 21:47
Managing Repeat Product Questions in Slack 24:07
New Hire Guru Permissions 25:00



Recap & Resources:

Keep the Conversation going! On the Deep Dive, folks asked for more workflows that helped turn repeat questions in Slack into well-managed Guru Cards. How would you tackle this challenge? What other workflows are you looking to create? Share your ideas below!

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