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Yesterday we gathered to hear tips from Martin Theobald, Knowledge Manager at Crisp and Matt Garren, Senior CSM at Guru for centralizing knowledge and structuring content in Guru.


Common challenges folks raised around this topic include: 

  • Knowledge is all over the place, living in people’s heads and multiple platforms

  • Investing time into knowledge is perceived as difficult

  • Structuring content and keeping it verified within Guru is an initial blocker and ongoing challenge 


Tips & Tricks for Centralizing Knowledge:

  • Survey team members and review existing technology to evaluate KM landscape
  • Lean on energized teammates to accelerate a culture shift

  • Focus on centralizing the knowledge you need now—don’t try to boil the ocean

  • Walk team members through an activity to help them identify their knowledge needs and break down knowledge creation into manageable sprints

  • When creating information architecture, consider:

    • Access controls

    • Content structure

  • When mapping content hierarchy, consider:
    • Ownership & Responsibility

    • Audience

    • Making it findable

    • Content lifecycle & Governance


Tips & Tricks for Migrating Content:

  • Don’t migrate existing knowledge into Guru without auditing the content

  • Do ask yourself if you should sync it, link it, or rethink it

  • Download one of our pre-populated Collection Frameworks and Guru Card Templates to get a head start on creating your content

  • Avoid analysis paralysis around permissions by organizing them from the collection level down

  • Make maintenance easier by keeping verifier groups small (~5) and leveraging board owners—folks who aren’t verifiers but are still in charge of keeping boards and board groups healthy


Recap & Resources:


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