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Can I use the API to post new Guru Cards or new Knowledge Alerts in Discord?

  • 1 October 2020
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone :slightlysmilingface:, I hope y'all are having a great week so far. Our team is considering migrating part of their support operations to Discord (from Slack). I've been able to implement a Discord bot integration to handle searching guru cards, but I cannot find any functionality in the API that lets me listen to when *new cards* get created, or when *knowledge alerts* get sent out. Is there no way to do this using the current API?

Our goal is to retain the most important functionality for us from the slack integration (namely searching and linking cards, setting up a new card feed and getting verify/knowledge alerts) when moving over to Discord. Is there any work around that I could use? Thanks in advance!
Hey Jonathan - great use case here. We unfortunately do not offer any triggering or pub/sub via our API at the moment. We have seen others leverage the Analytics API and built a polling mechanism or leveraged an iPaaS solution as the "listener" for seeing when the eventType = `card-created` - I reached out to our Slack Bot backend team to see if there is anything else we can suggest.

We also have an endpoint for pulling knowledge alerts, however, it is based on your User Token and does not give you a view of all knowledge alerts sent. I will forward this to our Product team as feedback, as it has been requested in the past.
That's very helpful already, and I will take a look at your suggestions in the meantime. Thanks!
