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As an Admin, I would love to be able to create/invite (and remove) users through the API. Is there a way to do this? Imagine being able to set up Users directly from a list of emails in an Excel spreadsheet using Power Query. So easy and quick!

Thanks so much for sharing these requests @geoff.richardson! I've passed them to our product team, and am copying @mhouston here as well for visibility.
Hey @geoff.richardson! You can create/invite users via our API. Here is a card with more documentation. We are going through an audit exercise of our developer documentation and will be exposing these use cases on our developer site - so keep the use case ideas coming!
Thanks @mhouston, that's great news! Is there a similar API call to remove users too?

Missed that part! There is no way to Bulk remove users via the API, but we offer two different endpoints to remove a single user via the API. Please use these endpoints with caution since removing a user from a team could cause unintended consequences for verification of content:
• `DELETE api/v1/members/{email}` This call requires no request body and will delete the user without replacing a verifier to any cards this deleted user is responsible for. A successful call will return a 200 status.
• `DELETE api/v1/members/{email}/replaceverifier` This call will delete the user and replace the verifier. If they have verified content in numerous collections, the "collectionVerifiers" key will take a list of collection objects, examples below.

Replace with an individual verifier:

"collectionVerifiers": {
"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"type": "member",
"id": ""

Replace with a user-group:

"collectionVerifiers": {
"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"type": "user-group",
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


Thank you again Mary. You keep knocking them outta the park!
Would ya believe me when I say we use Guru to store/surface this knowledge 😂 Let us know if you have any other questions around API capabilities

Hello All,

Wondering if there has been any enhancements on removing users via the API, currently testing using the aforementioned endpoint.

• `DELETE api/v1/members/{email}/replaceverifier` This call will delete the user and replace the verifier. If they have verified content in numerous collections, the "collectionVerifiers" key will take a list of collection objects, examples below.

Replace with an individual verifier:

"collectionVerifiers": {
"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"type": "member",
"id": ""

Replace with a user-group:

"collectionVerifiers": {
"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"type": "user-group",
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
