How can I get all members in a group via the API?

  • 14 December 2020
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 3
Hello everyone!
I know we can get the groups a member is in, but can't find the way to get all the members in a group via API, which is far more efficient. Is there anything I'm not finding in the API documentation?

Dillon Head 3 years ago


You can use the group members endpoint:


You can get the group ID from the groups endpoint
View original

4 replies

Userlevel 3
You can use the group members endpoint:
You can get the group ID from the groups endpoint
Userlevel 3
Didn't know about that enpoint! Thank you very much! This will help me for sure:thankyou:
Userlevel 3
Nice! No problem! :slightlysmilingface:
Userlevel 4
Nice @marcos.perez! and thank you @dillon for the assist!! We are actively working on updating our documentation, but really appreciate the community help!
