How do you manage groups and permissions without an identity provider (IDP)?

  • 10 November 2021
  • 2 replies

Managing users is tough. Between the constant influx of new hires, provisioning groups in bulk, and offboarding, it's no mystery why teams eventually turn to an identity provider (IDP). But what about the Guru teams who have hundreds of users but aren't ready to commit to an IDP? 

If you're struggling with this, the Services Studio Team here at Guru has an elegant and simple solution for you! Allow me to introduce our User Management Spreadsheet (sorry, we aren't copywriters).

Using your admin API token, this sheet will allow you to bulk manage your users and groups, as well as bulk add and remove users from your Guru account. For more information, please take a look at this public Card with usage instructions and check out the quick walkthrough video below. Happy user managing! (still not copywriters).

2 replies

Userlevel 1

Hello! Sorry to revive this old thread. I just found this spreadsheet tool and it’s great! I ended up adapting the Google Script to make API calls to other endpoints. Seeing as how this script was built by Guru, I want to ask if there’s a way to adapt the script to use UrlFetchApp.fetchAll to loop through multiple API calls (to pull comments from multiple cards, for instance) instead of just UrlFetchApp.fetch to call an API URL once.

Thank you!

Userlevel 4

Hi @Craig Lloyd! I’m glad you’ve found the spreadsheet useful, even if its in an old post! I checked with the team and, unfortunately, they don’t have the bandwidth to prioritize improving the tool at this time. However, don’t let this stop you! Once you make a copy of the spreadsheet, you’ll have access to update the script within.
