Is it possible to get a list of all users who have modified a Card?

  • 31 July 2020
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2
Another question about API responses. Does anyone know whether it's possible to get a list structure of ALL users who have modified a card, rather than just the record of the *last* person to modify it? I'm keen to understand the full audit trail of a card's history. Thank you!

Rob Miller 3 years ago

You can do a GET call to `{card id}/versions` and that'll give you a list of all versions, including who made the change.

That's only one card at a time though. To get this in bulk you can use the analytics API and look for `fact-updated` events. These events will have the user's email and the card ID, but won't have any other details about the card.

If you're looking for something like search results where it's a list of cards plus all the users who have modified it, then there's not a single call for that.
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3 replies

Userlevel 1
You can do a GET call to `{card id}/versions` and that'll give you a list of all versions, including who made the change.
That's only one card at a time though. To get this in bulk you can use the analytics API and look for `fact-updated` events. These events will have the user's email and the card ID, but won't have any other details about the card.
If you're looking for something like search results where it's a list of cards plus all the users who have modified it, then there's not a single call for that.
Thanks @rmiller! @geoff.richardson does this answer your questions?
Userlevel 2
Yes it does; thanks guys!
