
No Mac Keyboard Shortcuts in Guru Cards

  • 28 June 2022
  • 1 reply

Does anyone else have this problem? I’m unable to use any keyboard shortcuts on my Mac when creating a card through the chrome extension. Command+V won’t paste, Command+U won’t undo text. Makes me want to write my content elsewhere then have to import it to Guru. 

1 reply

Hi @Natalie Pierce! That sounds frustrating, sorry you’re running into this issue. I’m on a Mac as well, and am not experiencing this issue when I’m using the card editor via the Chrome extension, and a few other folks here tried as well with no issues. I wonder if there could be some sort of conflict with another Chrome extension you’re using? I suggest clearing your browser cache, updating (or restarting) Chrome, and temporarily disabling other Chrome extensions to see if the issue persists. If this resolves the issue, it may be a process of elimination (turning on/off extensions) to zero in on the culprit. I wish I had a simpler fix to suggest, but hope this helps!
