Hey Team
I'm working with one of our devs to build out an MVP for automating card verification when a user adds a card URL to a specific field in Zendesk. It's built on Rails. We've a couple of questions we're hoping you could answer. We can't find any reference to the verifier endpoint in the API docs.
- Would it be possible to get an example of a POST updating a cards verifier via the `
https://api.getguru.com/api/v1/cards//verifiers/` endpoint? An example in Ruby would be amazing, but curl would be fine too.
- What are the required fields for this request?
- We're also wondering if it's possible to update the verification interval without also having to "update" the `preferredPhrase` or content by sending the same current value?
Our previous MVP used the `https://api.getguru.com/api/v1/facts//extended` endpoint but we'd like to work around updating the title/content with every request. Can you recommend an alternative?