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Following on from my other issue which this forum helped resolve, I have a follow up query: 


When we search using search terms, tags and collection ID’s the results don’t seem to be filtered down based on what is passed for anything except the search term - this doesn’t appear to be impact by which “search” end point we use. 


I have 2 boards with public facing cards (the only 2 that are public facing) lets call them Prod and Test:

If I search via the API for public facing cards using:

searchTerms  - populated with whatever the term is

collectionIds (or collectionUids) - populated with the PROD collection ID from this call (

tags  -  a tag that only appears on around half the cards

queryType - cards


I will get cards returned from both the PROD and TEST collections for the search term, even though we’ve specified a collection ID, which I would assume should filter down the results for only those using the collection IDs and tags

Any help would be appreciated 



Hey Rhys, thanks for reaching out! This is something I’d like to investigate further, so I’m going to send you an email to troubleshoot. I’ll follow up with you shortly.
