Following on from my other issue which this forum helped resolve, I have a follow up query:
When we search using search terms, tags and collection ID’s the results don’t seem to be filtered down based on what is passed for anything except the search term - this doesn’t appear to be impact by which “search” end point we use.
I have 2 boards with public facing cards (the only 2 that are public facing) lets call them Prod and Test:
If I search via the API for public facing cards using:
searchTerms - populated with whatever the term is
collectionIds (or collectionUids) - populated with the PROD collection ID from this call (https://developer.getguru.com/reference/getv1collectionsgetcollections)
tags - a tag that only appears on around half the cards
queryType - cards
I will get cards returned from both the PROD and TEST collections for the search term, even though we’ve specified a collection ID, which I would assume should filter down the results for only those using the collection IDs and tags
Any help would be appreciated