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Hi! I’m setting up Guru in our company and in the stage where I’m adding in content and testing it to see if the right cards/info answers the various ways to ask the question. My question is if someone uses the thumbs up/down feature, how does that help in getting the AI to learn what’s helpful vs not helpful? Is it making a difference in how the next answer to that question is generated?

Hey @Julie Bordignon! Great question!

Currently we're not using the thumbs up/thumbs down buttons to train Answers. While there isn't any training going on there, that feedback is incredibly valuable in two ways. First, in the Answers menu, your admins can filter questions down by those that were flagged as incorrect or correct - allowing them to easily skim through all the answers to find knowledge gaps. Secondly, we're using the feedback from users to better understand what a good answer looks like, which will inform future investments in Answers. 

