Celebrate your Guru Wins! What have you accomplished this week? 🎉

  • 8 October 2021
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Happy Friday Guru Community! It’s worth celebrating the progress you’ve made this week on Guru. Whether it’s big or small, drop your wins below!


Also, special shoutout to:

@Siobhan Hyser , who earned the visionary badge this week!

This week’s top leaderboard users who’ve done a great job of asking questions, answering questions, dropping product feedback, and exploring what the community has to offer!

@Ian Link @Jonathan Butler @Charshy Nash @James Andrewartha @Renee Osgood @Ben Sykes @Jesse McKeil @Zach Lanich @Jordan C @brookethebatman !


1 reply

Last week we made some updates to expand our Research Collection in Guru to also include experiments we run across a handful of our teams, so we can share the learnings in a centralized place with a consistent format. This entailed adding a new Experiments Board Group, with a Board per team that is actively running experiments or planning to, as well as sections for “In Progress” and “Completed.”

We also added a new Card template to enable consistent formatting of our experiment Cards.

Excited for this, definitely felt like a win last week!
