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Welcome to the Guru Community, we’re thrilled that you’re here with us! Help others get to know you - in a comment below, introduce yourself with your name, role, company, and what brings you to the community :) After you introduce yourself, think about what you're looking to learn about from others and create new Q&A post to get input from the Community!

We can’t wait to meet you and see you in the discussion!


Hey everyone! My name’s June and I’m a Technical Support Manager at Guru. Welcome to our new Guru Community :wave_tone2:

I’m excited to dive in and help you all learn more about Guru, from our team and from one another. Looking forward to connecting with you all :grinning:

Hi everyone! My name is Devon, and I’m a Technical Support Engineer here at Guru. :grinning:

I can’t wait to learn about the creative ways that you all use Guru and for us to share tips and tricks with each other. 


I’m Laura, Product Manager for Search & Discovery here at Guru. I’m looking forward to engaging with all of you to explore what would make Guru even more useful to you. I’ll see you around the Product Feedback & Product Updates areas :blush:

Hello Everyone!
My name is Chelsea, and i’m the CX Lead Trainer at Drizly!

I’m so excited to be here in the community where we can share challenges and ideas!

Hi all! 👋 My name is Laura, I’m a Senior Customer Support Specialist at Intercom based in Chicago (we’ve been using Guru for about 4 years now!).

I love hearing how other Support teams use Guru, and sharing some of my own experiences - as well as just the fun tips & tricks and interesting use cases other teams and companies use Guru for as well! 🤩


Hi everyone! My name is Kassidy, and I’m a Technical Support Specialist here at Guru! :wave_tone1:  


Super excited to connect with all of you, share tips, and help answer any questions you have! 

Hi everyone! My name is Callie, and I focus on community and advocacy at Guru. My job is to team up with customers, share their strategies, and amplify their accomplishments with Guru. I’m excited to learn the unique ways y’all are using Guru, and you’ll often find me prompting everyone to celebrate their wins!

Hi everyone! I’m Caroline, a Technical Support Engineer here at Guru. :blush:


I’m excited to learn from you all and support you in getting the most out of Guru! 

Hello everyone! My name is Marie, and I’m a Technical Support Engineer here at Guru :smiley:

I’m looking forward to helping you with your Guru questions and learning best practices from the entire community :bulb:

Hi y’all! :smiley_cat:


Name: Shona Fenner 

Role: Product Manager (and resident Guru “guru” lol)

Company: PetDesk 

Location: San Diego, California 

Why I am here: To soak up knowledge and know-how from other Guru users. 

What I am trying to learn: How other organizations have used Guru to scale their business, work efficiently with remote teams, and create a culture of knowledge sharing. 



Hi all, I’m Nick, I work for RedEye a Marketing Automation platform based in the UK. My role is to support the business with executing change and improvement initiatives.

I’ve enjoyed being part of the guru community so far and I’m looking forward to seeing how others get the most out of Guru in the new community & learning a whole bunch of related wizardry. :clap_tone2:

Hi all

I’m Marc, from little ol’ England where we’ve just not won the European championship. Hey-ho.:laughing:

Anyway! I work at Pure Planet, a renewable energy supplier. We’re already using Insided for our Member-facing community, and we’ve just gone live with Guru as our internal knowledge solution. So, all worlds collide! 

This is going to be fun!


Hello Guru Fam! 

I’m Siobhan and work at Hotjar, a tool for seeing how visitors act when on your website. 

I’ve been with Hotjar since 2016 and am currently a Senior Support Specialist. 

We LOVE Guru and are always finding new ways to use it (and sometimes break it :laughing: ). 

Looking forward to learning more in this community and helping others :guru-party-parrot: (Missing our fun Slack emojis!) 


I’m Michelle Williams, Content Manager & Equity Administrator at Carta, Inc., 
We have been using Guru for a few years now and love it! It has helped created an internal knowledge base for centralized knowledge. 

The Community is helpful to learn from and help others. I look forward to seeing the great ideas and uses from other Community members.

Hi all! my name is Kelly and I am a Revenue Enablement Manager @ Ceros.

Super excited to collaborate and learn from others in the Guru Community!! 

Hi all! I’m Aunalisa. I work at Filevine in customer marketing. We have been using Guru for about 6 months now. I am excited to connect with everyone!

Hello Everyone :grin: ! My name is Sarah and I work as a UI Engineer here at Guru!!!! Super excited to join the community and learn from you all as well as lending any assistance I can. 

MEME of Fish (Dory from Finding Dory movie) with words: Just Keep Learning.


Hi all!

I’m Adrianne and I work at Bonusly. We use Guru to help with our internal knowledge management. It’s a newer process for us so I’m excited to learn about best practices and ways to get the most out of Guru from this community!

Hi everyone!

I’m Sandy, a product manager here at Guru -- I work with a fantastic designer and an excellent set of engineers on card creation and editing. I’m here to help in any way I can, especially to answer questions and understand your use cases.

Through this community, I hope to learn more about Guru users like yourselves, your use cases, goals, and challenges. I’m confident that each and everyone you will help us build a better product!

Hi everybody!

I’m Jose Paez, I’m the Manager, CX Operations at WP Engine. I love Guru, I love the peeps at Guru, and I love getting new ideas on how to better use Guru so I’m here to try and ingest as much info as possible!

Hi I’m Luke!

I work in Flywheel Support Operations at WP Engine and our support team can only say good things about Guru (such as “it slaps”)! Here to soak up what knowledge I can!

Hi All! :wave:

I’m Addie and I work at WP Engine as the Sales Enablement Lead. 

I’m relatively new to the company and I’ve already seen a lot of great engagement, utilization, and support for Guru internally, which is awesome! I’m excited to dive into the community here and learn from others to continue to optimize our seller’s experience in the platform. I’m here for all the tips and tricks!

Hey Everyone, my name is Dana, I am from IL, Tel Aviv, the OD and learning manager of the company called Carbyne ( super cool tech company that save lives!). I am getting to know Guru and want to move all the knowledge from Google drive, confluence, saleforce and all other systems to have in one place with easier way to find. 


Secondly - I would like to learn and hear how this system is used in the onboarding of the company? We are using today for all the onboarding boards  - anyone that integrated those 2?


Love to hear and learn from you and give from my knowledge as well

Implementation Implementation Implementation!


How did you implement the system in the company? I did you made people get excited and into it and not “ hooo here is another system in the company that will take my time”? How did you make them add knowledge to the system?

Welcome @Dana Friedlender, so glad you’re here! Those are great questions 🙂 I suggest creating a new post for each specific question, so folks here can reply with input and resources. 
