Who's going to Support Driven Leadership Summit (June 6-7 in PDX)?

  • Anonymous
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Hey friends šŸ‘‹šŸ» I was curious, whoā€™s planning to make it to Support Driven Leadership Summit coming up June 6-7 in Portland? @Caroline Krueger,Ā @Marie Frei,Ā @Adrian Guggenheim, Amanda,Ā Audrey, and I will be there, and weā€™d love to connect with folks here in the community who will be there!

Drop a comment if youā€™ll be there, and weā€™ll figure out some plans to meet up if we can šŸ˜Š

Coping in a few folks because Iā€™m seeing the companies where you work are going on the SD page šŸ‘€ @SiobhanĀ @Joshua OrdehiĀ @Jessica Valero-GilĀ @Adrienne SĀ 

4 replies

Userlevel 3

Hey Chris! Two of our support team leads are headed to itĀ šŸ˜

Hey Chris, Iā€™ll be there! Would love to say hiĀ 

@Adrienne SoongĀ just invited you to a small dinner Guruā€™s support team is hosting Mon. 6/6! @Siobhan HyserĀ if email or dm me the folks coming from Hotjar Iā€™ll invite them as wellĀ šŸ˜Š

Userlevel 3

Thanks Chris! Just replied :-) Have a great time everyone!Ā 
