Ability to send a knowledge alert to any group when "All Members" group is the only one assigned to a collection

Related products: Knowledge Management Tools

When I provide access to a collection for "All Members," I'd still like to be able to send Knowledge Alerts to specific groups without adding every group individually to the collection.
Thanks @hailey.balestra-foste, I'll submit this feedback to our team! So I'm clear, you'd like a way to indicate that you want All Members and each individual Group to have access so you can still split the Knowledge Alerts, right?
Yep! Exactly :slightlysmilingface:
^^ We would love this feature, too!
Thanks for chiming in @rebecca.downey, I'll add you too!
Updated idea statusOpenComplete

Hey all - this Knowledge Alert functionality is now available! Thank you for all the fantastic feedback. Check out the post with more information here