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Add an Analytics Role to permissions

Related products: User Management

Currently the only options to allow review of content analytics is to assign a Group or individual the Role of Author. This has two secondary effects:

  1. Authors have the ability to view analytics on content and draw conclusions about the content.
    1. Depending on whether the knowledge management methodology in practice focuses on activities rather than behaviors, access to action-level analytics can potentially bias the understanding of content value and / or activities within the knowledge ecosystem.
  2. Analysts working to understand and report on content have the potential to influence metrics such as viewed, copied, etc.
    1. Depending on whether users with analytics access are supposed to be contributing to the knowledge ecosystem and how careful they are when taking actions within the knowledge base (ex. reviewing content for quality / copying card links) this may or may not introduce bias to the analytics data.


We have a similar issue. We currently use Guru only within our Customer Care department. Majority of our users are agents with Read Only role. We have a small content creation team, however, we have to give Collection Owner permission to our team leaders/managers/QA analysts so they can see the Analytics on a User level. The thing is, We do not want them to be able to do anything else just to view the content and have access to all Analytics. Is there some kind of Analyst role on the roadmap? 

We’ve needed a role in between Reader and Author that doesn’t have the option to ‘Verify’. We need a second level approval in our industry.

It would be great if we could create our own roles within the tool, I’ve seen this done with other software and aren’t limited by the company permissions. 

Custom Name Reader Author Edit Verify Analytics Group permission User permission

User Groups

Group 1 (Reader) X                
Group 2 X X X            
Group 3  X X X X X        
Group 4  X X X X X X X X X
Group 5  X X X X     X X  


We see this as a heavy need as well.  I champion our team for our knowledge management but we want our leaders/coaches to be able to utilize the analytics.  I believe we can trust them to not edit cards or things they shouldn’t be but as we grow and expand that control becomes harder and harder.  I also don’t want them to have clutter and maneuver around features they don’t need.


Adding to this thread again as another item has come up.  I am trying to build out a team to assist in managing Guru with me.  I want to be able to allow others to help respond to comments on cards but not verify them.  For them to see general comments they must be a verifier or the person commenting must @ them which isn’t feasible for our whole company to know the people working comments.  I would love to see a way to split the verifying permission and commenting permission. Thank you for all you do!

+1 to custom roles

Adding a new feedback here. So far, we have given the Collection Owner role only to our in-house Team Leaders for them to be able to see Analytics down to the User drill.

With upgrading to Enterprise and implementing the AI features to the whole department, we want all Team Leaders, Team Managers and Vendor Managers (in-house and outsourced) to be able to view the Analytics - this would represent approx 10% of our user base, however, these users do not need to do anything but view the Analytics. 

Giving them the Collection Owner role brings risks of them accidentally changing things which we would like to avoid.

Any chance a role such as Analyst is on the roadmap? 

Tagging also @Steph Hardy - Steph this is part of our implementation plan, we want the Team Leaders to see analytics to have the data as a part of the agents’ performance reviews.