Add groups within groups (and not just users)

Related products: User Management

Right now, each group needs its own distinct set of users. This makes user creation more manual and complex.

Suggestion: Allow the groups within groups


  • Expedite and simplify user creation and group assignment
  • keep targeted sets of users (for authoring, verification, knowledge alerts, etc.), while having larger combined groups for other functions (collection access, analytics, knowledge alerts, etc.) 

Example Impact:
Groups A, B, C, and D all contain 100 users
Groups AB, CD, and EF each have 200 users
Groups ABC and DEF each have 300 users
Group ABCDEF contains all 600 users

Each user is only added to a single group (vs 4 different groups each)
The amount of manual group assignment is 400 (down from 2200)
Only 4 groups need to be actively managed (down from 10)



There is so much more we would and could do with our groups and user management if this was possible, but right now, it’s just too manual.

Whoooooops, posted too quickly - can someone help me edit this :)

Groups A, B, C, D, E, F all contain 100 users
Groups AB, CD, and EF each have 200 users
Groups ABC and DEF each have 300 users
Group ABCDEF contains all 600 users

Each user is only added to a single group (vs 4 different groups each)
The amount of manual group assignment is 600 (down from 2400)
Only 4 groups need to be actively managed (down from 12)

@Amelia Altstadt Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me today about this topic and other concerns that you have around user and group management! I really appreciated getting the chance to learn more about your team’s work in Guru and the frustrations you have today. 

As I mentioned, I’ll keep you updated about any progress we make towards solving these problems for you

@Yael McCue  Likewise Yael it was great discussing this with you! Thanks for the work you and your team are doing to improve user management.