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What would be really beneficial is being able to use “AND” statements in the Knowledge Trigger setup for when one of the conditions is “Exists”

For instance, we have different processes for False Positive investigations depending on the product - so we could have have IF Conidition 1 is ProductA AND IF Condition 2 EXISTS “Java Fingerprinting” use this Knowledge Assignment.

It would really let us customise and recommend content in specific situations, while the ML learns what to recommend at specific times.

However, there is a limitation with the Knowledge Triggers that if “Exists” is used in a Trigger then it updates the logic automatically to “OR” conditions which defeats the purpose of the effort.


Thanks @Ben Sykes! This totally makes sense and I can see how the additional flexibility would solve the challenge you are facing.

Revamping the user experience and functionality behind Knowledge Triggers is not currently on our near-term roadmap, but is definitely something we know could be improved and is on our radar for next year. I will keep this idea open and be on the lookout for additional upvotes or comments from the Community.

Hey @Ben Sykes, it’s been a while, so I wanted to check if the new Knowledge Trigger interface resolve this example? I’m thinking about applying two conditions so the logic is: “When this text (ProductA) is anywhere on the page and this text (Java Fingerprinting) is anywhere on the page”.

Hey @Marie Frei ,

Unforutnately I’m still having the same issue: InsightVM does not exist on the page, but Java Fingerprinting does and it’s still recommending content