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We’re new to Guru and starting to set up Knowledge Triggers. We don’t yet have a lot of content though, so as we’re adding content we’re going to have to go back and edit triggers to add additional cards we want to surface.

Problem: adding cards to knowledge triggers is manual and tedious, and you have to remember all the cards you want to add.

Impact: The feature requires authors to update triggers every time they add a card - I know in our company it will be a big win just to have multiple people creating content, but the organizing of content and managing features like knowledge triggers will likely be done by only a couple of users. This means we will have to be paying close attention to new content created, and then determining whether it should be added to any knowledge triggers

Potential solution: dynamic card inclusion rules based on tags/collections/folders

for example when xphrase A] and Aphrase B] appear on page in URL], display all cards with tag A] and Atag B] in Collection]


This would save time when creating knowledge triggers, and ensure new cards are automatically added to knowledge triggers.

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