I have trouble distinguishing lower case "i" from uppercase "I" and lowercase "l" because of the Guru card font

Related products: Card Creation User Experience

It’s very frustrating to have lowercase “i” show up as very similar to uppercase “i” and lowercase “L”.  Is there a way to change the default font in Guru?  I asked it as a question here 


I don’t need to be able to pick a specific font, I’d just like a font that distinguishes between lowercase “i” and uppercase “i” a little better (not to mention lowercase L).  Thanks for your consideration.

I highly request that we allow custom fonts across the board. We have custom font resources specific to our org that I’d like to use. That option could fix this request.

adjacently related, the small heading style should not ever include a text transform, particularly not ALL CAPS.

This is a terrible design choice for accessibility and for customizability, and it just creates this weird sense of SHOUTING at the h3 level that isn’t mandated at h1 or h2. In other less technical words, with Large Heading and Medium heading, if I as the card author WANT all caps, I can do that myself, or not - I can use Title Case or SnAkE CaSe or lower case or whatever I choose. But with Small Heading, you’ve taken all those choices away from me with the text-transform:

text-transform: uppercase;

Don’t do this. Take the transform off the style for H3