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Integration Suggestion: "Acquire"

Related products: Apps and Integrations

Integration Suggestion: Acquire

The Acquire team already facilitates an API call with Guru, however, it leaves a lot to be desired - to the point that we can’t seemingly restrict the collections that the customer would have access to, when they are sent the search link.

Ideally, the integration would allow users to specify what collection(s) Customers would be able to access, and any apps that we can add to the Sequence Bot would enable us to search these collections for content that could help deflect their case.

Additional Value Prop: Acquire is a Chat application, which appears to be similar to Drift - which already has an existing integration with Guru, when looking through the AI Suggest Text settings. It offers Chat bots, and real time 1-2-1 engagements between support engineers and customers requiring help. It would also allow us to get AI Suggest recommendations so we can assist customers through the power of Guru - which we’re already getting the benefits from while using it against our default CRM software.

Thanks for the submission, Ben!

I would love to get more context around the problem you are trying to solve. When you refer to an “integration with Acquire,” are you looking for an AI Suggest integration similar to the one with Drift so people don’t have to proactively search using the Chrome extension? Are there any other problems with the current workflow between Acquire and Guru, or additional pieces of functionality you would be looking for?

Hey Jon!

Thanks for the response, that’s part of what I’m looking for, if possible yes! We’re using AI Suggest in our CRM and to say that our Support team loves the feature would be a massive understatement.

The other major issue that I’ve identified, is that their current integration works off of an API call, which is currently setup through my admin account, now this might be a niche problem in how we’re using Guru. When using the Acquire, there’s an additional feature which lets customers search our collections for answers to their queries - which is pretty cool… however, because of the API call through my Admin account, it gives customers an “all access pass” to all of our content, which is not cool, or useable.

A screenshot of what the customer sees when they search the word “Internal” through the Guru App on Acquire

We have a designated “Customer Facing Content” collection which our Engineers can send to customers if necessary, ideally, we would like to “restrict” the access to only that collection, if that’s possible.

Happy to discuss over a call as well, if more information is needed :relaxed:

Thanks for the additional context, Ben. 

First, regarding the addition of Acquire to our AI Suggest options, we will definitely keep this Idea open and monitor the need across the larger Community. That being said, we do not currently have immediate plans to add Acquire or any other new systems to the integrated platforms within AI Suggest.

As for the issue you have identified with the API call, I would suggest you create a ticket in our Help Center and work through this with our Technical Support team. My hunch is that you simply need to generate a new API token with a different user that only has access to the appropriate collections.

Hope that helps!

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