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What is the problem?

At the moment there are two options for verification, both which serve separate use cases we face:

  1. Set an individual as the verifier
  1. Set a group as the verifier 

However, a more granular option is needed for the most common use case we face; which is when we need to assign a group as the verifier but are experiencing a bystander effect where no one verifies any cards because they assume someone else is the group will. This also causes a lot of noise for all member’s who are receiving a daily notification that the card is unverified, causing dislike for Guru.

The solution we’ve tried to implement is create smaller groups with just 1-3 people in to verify the content but being a global enterprise it’s not scalable to create and maintain the quantity of these smaller groups required, we already have 388 groups created and that is just for collection owners, general authors and read only groups.

The ideal solution:

What we would love to have as the ability to set more than one user as the verifier. This would address the problem of assigning a single verifier becoming a blocker to verification due to work priorities, annual leave etc and would overcome the need to create hundreds upon hundreds of combinations of employees for micro verification groups.

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