Remove ability to nest comments under Announcements

Related products: User Experience

Currently, a card comment is automatically left when an Announcement is sent for a particular card, including read rate, etc.

While this is a helpful feature, it also creates some problems in its current state. Users are able to “reply” to these Announcement-generated comments. Because these replies are nested under the Announcement, they cannot be “resolved” and moved out of sight, creating clutter. The Announcement-generated comments themselves cannot be resolved or deleted, so the only option currently is to delete the user comment, which is not the best in the interest of transparency.

I am requesting a simple change - please just remove the option for users to reply to these Announcement-generated comments.

Thank you!



I very much agree with you @Gary Morin - user replying to the announcement and us not being able to then resolve that comment without touching the announcement itself creates clutter and is not the best user experience. 

This issue continues to impact the maintenance workflow my team utilizes. Disallowing users from responding to announcements should have no negative consequences for our audience since they can simply leave standard mentions directly below where the announcements appear on the Guru card. Please consider updating the behavior of announcements to address this issue. 

Additionally, our team has discovered that when comments are nested below Announcements, team members who weren’t sent the Announcement directly are unable to see threaded comments or the Announcement. This can cause confusion amongst the team while causing longer wait to response times for the user, as less people are able to respond. 

Hi everyone!

As you may have seen, last week we released a change that makes it so that Announcements are no longer part of the comment experience on a card. For recipients, they live at the top of a card while unread, and then in Card details for senders and once they’ve been read. This prevents the issues you were noticing while Announcements supported replies. If anyone had previously replied to Announcements those replies are now regular comments.

Thank you for sharing what you were experiencing, we hope this change helps!  


Thanks Laura!