Support more levels of hierarchy in a collection

Related products: Knowledge Management Tools Navigation and Search

I would love to be able to customize the hierarchy of my information in a particular collection beyond board group and board - it would be great if there were an option to add sub boards or a folders under the umbrella of a particular board to separate information better.

There are sections within a particular board, but they auto-expand (it would be super great if they auto-collapsed instead), which makes it really hard to sift through existing cards to see if the info you need is there.
Hey @kaitlin, thanks for raising this! To confirm, if Sections were collapsed by default and you can manually expand them to expose the cards, would that solve the challenges you're running into? I'm curious if any one else has a similar challenge, and/or if others actually prefer Sections being expanded by default. Thanks again for the input!
@chrisanderson Thanks for the reply! It wouldn't solve the issue completely, but it would definitely help and make larger boards less overwhelming when you open them up.

I'd definitely love to have the option to add a little more definition to our structure, though, if there might be an opportunity for that down the road! :slightlysmilingface:
For me the sections are helpful at this point in time but when we scale our knowledge it would be nice to have the option per Board to determine if Sections are collapsed or expanded by default
I second not having sections open by default. Seeing everything on a board is too much info and for larger boards, means a lot of scrolling. It it would be ideal to have sections closed, and then team members can scan and click into the relevant section they need.

I am with @Kaitlin Warren on this one. The content hierarchy on Guru was enough for departments with less amount of data. We are now trying to migrate Software Engineering data from Confluence and the hierarchy isn’t just meeting the structural demands of how the team would like to have the knowledge housed in Guru. The structure should be dynamic, allowing us to have board groups within board groups and boards within boards. The static structure is just not enough to be able to sort all our knowledge in an efficient and easy to find way. 

Also the collapsed sections are a great feature. Having a board with hundreds of cards and sections open (this is a direct result of the rigid structure) is not the best user experience when trying to access the cards. It is in a way resource intensive, I have received complaints from authors saying they are experiencing lag time when accessing the boards with a high volume of cards and this ends up affecting their deadlines and schedules.