Top 3 Dealbreakers for Mobile App

Related products: Mobile

Employee attempts to use the Guru app on their phones have been very negative. Top 3 dealbreakers for mobile app (tested on iOS):

  1. No Collection tree view (new users want to browse to see what is there, are stopped cold by search as the only access)
  2. No pinch-and-zoom (very frustrating to try to zoom on small images and you can’t)
  3. No rotation to landscape (can’t even use the rotation trick to make small things bigger with the wider screen)

NOTE: list used to have “broken images”, but apparently that has been partially fixed (on iOS but not Android?)

Because of these dealbreakers we are currently telling employees to not install the Guru app.

Fully agree with the top 3 mobile feature requests and in that order mentioned, Guru development, you have your Roapmap to get started! Please bring a better mobile experience to your users!

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