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Hi Guru Community!

The wait is over! Assist, powered by generative AI, is now available in beta to all customers. Authors can use Assist to help them edit, adjust, improve, and bring clarity to the knowledge they've created. You can access Assist when you edit a card in the web platform, applying it to the entire card’s content, or highlight specific text and use Assist to refine that selection.

So what can you do with Assist?

  1. Summarize: Add a summary to the top of your card for easier readability, and empower your readers with up-front context. You’ll be able to choose from:
  • Quick summary
  • Detailed summary
  • Bulleted list
  • Numbered list
  1. Improve: Apply a variety of improvements to your knowledge, including:
  • Fix spelling and grammar
  • Simplify vocabulary and remove jargon
  • Refine and formalize
  • Decrease words
  1. Adjust Tone: Assist can help adjust the tone of your writing without losing your message or voice. Here are the tones you can apply to your knowledge:
  • Conversational
  • Direct
  • Empathetic
  • Professional
  • Witty
  1. Translate: Have Assist automatically translate knowledge into another language:
  • Chinese
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Spanish


But wait, there’s more! The power of Assist is also available in Slack to help take Slack messages and threads and turn them into digestible knowledge that you can add instantly into Guru. Read more about Assist in Slack here.

We are working on some exciting updates to Assist over the coming months including the ability to add custom Assist prompts, and empowering card readers with Assist functionality, so stay tuned!  If you have any feedback on Assist in the meantime, please share them in the Product Feedback area.


@Jon Saft Thanks for this. Seems intriguing, but some questions (cc @Michael Mocerino ):

  • We have to vet and have a security review of anything AI related. How can I get this turned off or paused in the meantime?
  • Additionally, do we yet know if this will be an additional cost or only included in certain plans?

Many thanks!


@Lynn Miller As an Admin, you can disable this functionality for your team by going to Team Settings → Assist:

From there, you will have access to a simple toggle that will disable/enable for everyone on your team until you have had a chance to do a proper security review.

Regarding cost, while in beta, Assist is available to all teams on all plans. It is possible that pricing could change over the coming months, but we will be as transparent as possible regarding any changes before they happen.

I appreciate it, thanks!