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Release Note

Disable comments on published Cards across your Workspace

Related products:Knowledge Management Tools

Laura Desmond-Black

Hello Guru Community!

To bring more admin control and configurability into Guru, we’ve launched the ability to turn off comments on published Cards across your Guru Workspace. If you have non-Guru workflows for users to request changes or ask questions related to Card content, this feature will help to reinforce your existing processes by preventing comments directly on Cards.

To disable comments for all Cards created in your Workspace, navigate to Settings > Comments (under Guru Tools), and toggle off comments from there. Comments are enabled for new Workspaces by default. 

If you have existing open or resolved comments when you disable comments they will be hidden. If you enable comments in the future they will be visible again. 


Setting for Card comments.

Have feedback on this feature? Let us know in the comments below!



Ability to disable comments on a per collection basis?

Laura Desmond-Black

Hi @Paul_Wickes

I had a feeling that one would come up 😁! If you make a feedback post about that we’ll keep an eye on it. One thing I'm curious about is what kind of content is in the collection(s) you’d like to turn off comments for? What’s different about it from Collections where you’d keep comments enabled?  


@Laura Desmond-Black Content synched from external sources where we want dialogue to happen in the originating source.

Laura Desmond-Black

Ah that makes a lot of sense, thanks @Paul_Wickes!

Abbey Florence

+1 @Paul_Wickes totally agree. Enabling/disabling comments based on the Collection would be super helpful. 

Our primary issue stems from case management and ticketing platforms. Some of our departments have those in place and want all issues (comments and questions too) to be reported and tracked through those mechanisms. We’d like to use the Guru comments (and questions) only for departments who do not have alternatives in place. Each department has their own Collection in our instance. 

The other flavor of this issue we have is based on Groups. We’d love for fellow Authors and Collection Owners to be able to comment on cards to facilitate collaboration. They also go through training to understand how to use (and not abuse) the feature. But we would be interested in turning off the ability to create comments for certain Groups or view-only permission levels.

Laura Desmond-Black

Hi @Abbey Florence

Thanks for the details, it’s helpful to have another vote for a setting at the collection level, it makes sense that you’d want to reflect in Guru how different departments within your organization handle questions.  

One thought regarding the Authors and Collection Owners piece, I’m guessing the collaboration you’re highlighting will happen in drafts and less often (if at all) on the published version of a card? At this point, our thought is that regardless of the state of this setting (or any others in the future), commenting in drafts will remain available since we believe they’re an important tool for collaboration. Another thing that might be helpful to know is that comments started in drafts won’t be visible to anyone outside the draft, meaning read-only users won’t have access to comments in drafts at all. Does that change what you’re thinking?   


Abbey Florence

Thanks, @Laura Desmond-Black! That is good to know about draft comments.

Our organization is a Venn diagram of overlapping responsibilities, but our authors can generally only create/edit in one Collection. We have a lot of instances today where an author may want to add a comment to a card in another Collection for, say, a new resource that could be linked or new point person that should be referenced. Doing so in a draft wouldn’t be possible in those cases. 

And piping in for my colleague, the ability to enable/disable comments at the card level could be helpful as well. Some information is sensitive and should be discussed offline, so certain cards for us would benefit from having commenting disabled. 

Thanks as always!

Laura Desmond-Black

Thanks for the extra info @Abbey Florence! The cross Collection collaboration is interesting, I’ll make a note of it in our authoring workflows project :) 👍🏻 for having the setting at a Card level too. 

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