Introducing Workspaces: Separate Guru instances you can share knowledge across

Related products: Guru Administration

Greetings Guru Community!

Today we launched Workspaces: a feature that gives you the control and flexibility to manage multiple teams, brands, partners, etc. in their own Guru instance, while giving you the ability to share your knowledge across them. 

Each Workspace will have separate:

  • Users 
  • Billing
  • Workspace name 
  • Theme colors (if you choose to customize)
  • Dashboard right rail (featured cards + content widget)


What can you do across Workspaces:

  • Share knowledge Collections - Shared Collections will be read-only 
  • Send Announcements

Here are some examples of how Guru customers are using Workspaces:

  1. Sandbox trial: If you’d like to start with content, there’s no risk of messing up your existing team/Workspace. You can also use this as a way to try out features that you’re not ready to switch on for your main workspace (like Answers or Assist).
  2. Expand Guru to a new team at your company: Any new Workspace you create, will begin as a 30 day free trial. You can share some collections from your existing Workspace with the new team, giving them a realistic Guru experience with company knowledge already built in.
  3. Subsidiaries, multiple brands, or new acquisitions: Reduce noise and maintain control with separate Workspaces that contain relevant knowledge, users, and custom branding. 
  4. BPOs or Partners: Create multiple Workspaces to keep separate login/security, and billing, while sharing relevant knowledge across them.


We’d love to hear how you’re using Workspaces! Leave a comment here to share.


Hi @Noah Carpenter 👋 Congrats on the release! 🎉 

In terms of the second point you raised:

Expand Guru to a new team at your company: Any new Workspace you create, will begin as a 30 day free trial. You can share some collections from your existing Workspace with the new team, giving them a realistic Guru experience with company knowledge already built in.

How would this billing differ from adding new users to your current instance/Workspace? Are there no per user fees for Workspaces as they are read-only? Just trying to understand the use case here.  

Also, is the Workspace Settings on the left hand nav in the new Workspace (e.g. what the read-only users see)? For me it’s under Settings (see attached).


Hey Tyler! Thanks for the thoughtful questions!

How would this billing differ from adding new users to your current instance/Workspace? Are there no per user fees for Workspaces as they are read-only? Just trying to understand the use case here.  


When you create a new workspace, you’re creating a new Guru instance with its own billing, users, administration, content, etc… However, the new Workspace (B) will be linked to the original workspace (A), allowing them to share content and announcements with one another while keeping administration, billing, etc.. separate.

The content that’s shared across Workspaces is read-only, but the users in other workspaces are not read-only, as they’re just regular users, but in a different workspace.

Formerly, onboarding new departments to an existing Guru team meant bringing on new admins, updating groups, permissions, sharing a pool of billed seats across cost centers and so on and so forth. Now, you can easily spin up a new workspace for another department that wants to try Guru. They’ll be able to take advantage of the 30 day trial, share content with your workspace and you can share content with them. 

Great catch on the UI, looks like I shared an old screenshot, going to pull that for now! 

Let me know if that’s all helpful, happy to further clarify if not!

Hi @Noah Carpenter ,

I love the concept and introduction of workspaces! This could really support us in our organizational context as we are a group with many subcompanies.

I do understand Tyler’s comment. What if you don’t want another billing setup? Allocating budgets to cost centers happens internally in the company. It might be more simple to download a report of user licenses per workspace but we don’t require separate invoicing for this.

@Maarten Van der Straeten Hey Maarten! We are able to support multiple workspaces with a single billing setup, we’d just need to set that up for you so if that’s something you’d like to enable in the future please reach out to your CSM and they can get you set up!