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Hi Guru Community! I’m happy to share the news that analytics has gotten a major upgrade, and users on Builder plans and above can see the glow-up today! We’ve kept all the reports you’ve come to rely on, plus we’ve added a whole host of new insights as well as best practice benchmarks so you have context for your company’s usage patterns.


Whether you want to drill down into a team’s or an individual employee’s engagement with company knowledge, see what features and integrations are getting the most usage, or understand the performance of announcements over time, the new analytics experience will get you the insights you need, faster than ever.


Analytics are now organized into three categories so different types of stakeholders can understand how Guru is being used:

  • Knowledge Health: admins, champs, and knowledge managers can see the overall health of info stored in Guru plus usage stats.
  • Guru Impact: admins, champs, and leaders can understand the strategic influence of Guru by seeing who's using what features and information.
  • Performance: shows overall performance of Guru and allows team managers to drill down and see how their teams (Groups in Guru) are using the app.


We’re especially excited to share that we’ve added benchmarks to several charts so you can see how your team is performing against knowledge management best practices. You’ll see benchmarks for Verification Score and Total Adoption, giving you an actionable jumping-off point to improving your overall Guru health. 


On-Card analytics have also been improved in this release. On every Card, you’ll be able to see views, favorites, and follows over time. We’re also introducing the ability to see where people are viewing Guru Cards–whether it’s in the web app, in the extension, or in Slack or MS Teams. Admins will also be able to see Card views by user, right on the Card.


You’ll notice a couple of housekeeping changes in this release:

  • Analytics navigation has been moved to the left, so it’s consistent with navigation across Guru.
  • Trust Score has been renamed to Verification Score to better reflect what’s being measured.
  • If you’re using scheduled reports, you’ll need to set up new ones to correspond with the new charts. You’ll receive communications with help on how to do this.

If you have feedback on the new analytics experience, please log it in the Product Feedback section of the Community. We’d also love to hear how you’re using analytics in Guru. Drop us a comment on this post and share your story!

I am loving the visuals in these updates! Engagement has been a big issue for some of our teams and this easily accessible data will be a big help. Thanks for the update!


I’m hoping to figure out the answer to the question I had asked in a previous post for verification. We’re doing a big audit and tracking each Author’s engagement. 


I see a discrepancy between what I know a user has done for verification in the past month (around 25 cards), and what the analytics show (3 cards). Does the user lose “credit” for verification if someone verifies it after they do? I’m hoping to track any time a user clicks “verify” within a card during a given time frame. 


Thanks again!

Hi @Reba Mitchell ! Going to message you on that other post. Stand by!

@Sydney Sundell I’d be curious if there is some clarification on the verify action as well in the analytics. I’m looking at the Analytics > Group and User Drill-Down > Events by user and what I’m finding for Card Verified action isn’t lining up with the card manager. (How many times a person took the Card Verified action from the download when compared to the Card manager listing that same person for Last Verified By in the same time frame.)

For context, in one collection we have a very large verifier group responsible for keeping the collection healthy (resolving comments and keeping cards verified). Here I’m trying to ascertain if only a few people from the larger group are doing the bulk of the work, which might be an argument for reducing the verifier group.

I would also suggest a Comments Resolved action might be useful as well, to again see who is taking charge of keeping cards healthy?

Hi @Lynn Miller ! Thanks for the question and feedback here—Comment actions are definitely on our radar! Would you mind DMing or emailing me an example of what you’re seeing across Card Manager and Analytics so that we can look into this with engineering?

What about scheduled reports from the “old” Analytics interface? I have gone through all the new report options and I don’t seem to have a way to find or modify those that I setup in the past.

Hi @David MacVicar , as of this week you will no longer be seeing those previously scheduled reports, as they are connected to our previous vendor. This help center article has recommendations on which new reports most closely match those in our old experience. Hope this helps! 

Hi @David MacVicar , as of this week you will no longer be seeing those previously scheduled reports, as they are connected to our previous vendor. This help center article has recommendations on which new reports most closely match those in our old experience. Hope this helps! 

Thanks Sydney - interestingly, we received one of the automated reports on July 1st at 2PM EST.

Thanks for letting us know @David MacVicar ! I just got in touch with our prior vendor, and they confirmed those emails should stop sending sometime this week. We apologize for the delay and any inconvenience in the meantime! 

Hello!  In the prior analytics feature I was able to go pull a group and see individual users total actions.  I track that data week to week and use it detailed reporting to gauge usage and coach to it.  I no longer can do this easily. I did go to the Group and User Drill-Down and filter by agent individual but then had to hover over the circle chart and add up the usage manually.  This loss of feature is a big miss for us.  Can we look at bringing that back?  It usually took me around 30 minutes for our entire team to pull that data and it took me that long if not longer to pull 1/3 of the users. The rest of the analytics are wonderful!  The visuals and details are appreciated!

To add to my post above on how we are using this individual user data - We have data on who our super users are and compare that to how many questions they ask our Help Desk for support.  Our super-users ask 46% fewer questions than our agents that don't use Guru as much.  So by having the individual user data, I can continue to target those individuals and work on coaching to get them better at using Guru.  I am also utilizing this data to get another person to work in Guru on my team.  We can show that increasing the number of super users will lower our Help Desk questions, which saves us money and is massive!

@Kendall Sipp-Paris thank you for sharing that feedback and elaborating on your use case! A possible workaround here in the meantime would be to filter the Group and User drill-down page by group, export the “Events by User,” and then create a pivot table in Google Sheets or Excel. I understand that it’s not ideal for this information to not be available out-of-the-box, so we will keep in touch and let you know if we are able to add that legacy sum count back in. 


Glad you’re otherwise enjoying the new experience! Please let us know if this workaround helps in the meantime. 

@Sydney Sundell thank you so very much for taking it into consideration.  I can pull a pivot it just adds up unnecessary time doing that for each group.  I have my fingers crossed we can get back this data. 

@Sydney Sundell I am working on weekly data again and grabbed a Loom recording to explain better how badly I need the Legacy User Action breakdown ha.  REALLY REALLY REALLY need that back @Maria Matysik tagging you to this thread too :) 

@Sydney Sundell @Maria Matysik I did just export to excel by group and can go a little faster, still will take me at least double the time it normally would, FYI.

@Kendall Sipp-Paris thank you for sending this over and sharing more context! We’re working on adding the aggregated view to the “Group and User Drill-Down” page next to the “Events by user” table. Will update you as soon as that’s out!


For context, we also would encourage teams to use the “Events by User” table and “Card actions by user”/ “Feature usage by user” (on the contribution page) to see a more detailed description of event counts by user.

@Sydney Sundell you are welcome and thank you for the feedback!  I like the contribution piece especially as we work on targeting certain skills to hone in on with our users. I can set the group there and see them all (I think), but still have to hover and add up.  Thankfully I’m a math person so that isn’t too hard.  Looking forward to the update!  Appreciate you all so very much.

Hi all. Is it possible that in Strategic Impact > Top Cards Viewed and Knowledge Use > Most viewed cards we can remove archived cards from those lists? From what I can tell those lists are counting them, but they seem a bit moot if they are archived. I had to go cross reference what was archived from the card manager to remove them. Many thanks for the consideration! @Michael Mocerino 

Hi @Lynn Miller ! Thanks for the feedback here—the expected behavior is that archived Cards will appear in your analytics, but I can totally understand why it would be helpful to have the option to filter those out. We will keep you posted if this is something we plan to update in the future!

Hi! I am trying to drill down analytics for our business development team. I would like to be able to see what cards they are viewing, items they are searching, etc.. when I drill down using “Group and User Drilldown > Events by User.” Is it possible to hyperlink to the actual card or activity in the Actions column? (I understand this feature may have previously been available but is no longer.)

Hi! I am trying to drill down analytics for our business development team. I would like to be able to see what cards they are viewing, items they are searching, etc.. when I drill down using “Group and User Drilldown > Events by User.” Is it possible to hyperlink to the actual card or activity in the Actions column? (I understand this feature may have previously been available but is no longer.)

@Sydney Sundell I’m upvoting this.  I know I had mentioned to @Maria Matysik in a prior convo.  Tabatha is another Brancher and my counterpart in our Agency dept.  We know we can find this info on the specific card, but as she mentioned in the legacy analytics we at least use to have the card name showing...that would even be a great enhancement, but if it could be hyperlinked would be even better!

Hi @Tabatha Nunn and @Kendall Sipp-Paris ! Thank you for the feedback and context—the ability to hyperlink Cards is currently a known limitation of our vendor, but something we have raised to them. We will keep you posted!