Update Guru Cards with Slack Messages

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Update Guru Cards with Slack Messages

Hi Guru Community! 👋


Today we’re releasing another update for our Slack app, designed to help you capture even more information in Guru Cards. You already have the ability to create a new Card from a Slack message or thread, but sometimes you really need to update a Card that already exists. That’s why we’re adding a new action so you can add content from a Slack message directly to an existing Card. Just use the add to existing Card action and you’ll be able to find the Card you need, update it, and publish it–all without leaving Slack!




Here are some of the ways you can use this new action:

  • Updating projects: If a stakeholder gives an update on a project in a Slack message, they can add that update to the project’s Guru Card without leaving their workflow.

  • Building FAQs: When a customer-facing team member asks a question in Slack, that answer can be added to an existing FAQ Card. This is great for keeping questions and answers organized by topic.

  • Capturing stories from the field: At Guru, we capture and organize stories from our customer-facing teams in Cards. This update makes it even easier to make sure these stories get added to Guru Cards when they’re shared in Slack.


You’ll need to have the latest version of Guru’s Slack app installed so you can use this new action. Check out more information on updating your Slack app in the Help Center.

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