Use Assist to create content from scratch + more!

Related products: Card Creation
Use Assist to create content from scratch + more!

Hi Guru Community!

Big news today: you can now create new content or edit existing content using custom prompts with Assist. Our existing out-of-the-box actions – such as adjusting tone to make it more conversational or simplifying vocabulary – are still available. But now, you’ll also be able to tell Assist exactly what you want it to do - whether it’s producing content from scratch or refining the knowledge you’ve already written. 

This new enhancement will give you and other authors on your team the flexibility to create and edit knowledge in ways that fit your company’s specific needs.



Here are a few examples of using custom prompts within Assist:

Editing existing knowledge:

In the past, you may have used Assist to edit your writing or existing content. For example, you may have selected a paragraph, used Assist to refine/formalize, and then inserted the suggested improvements. But, you also wanted to adjust the tone and simplify vocabulary, which meant using Assist multiple times, performing each action one after the other.

With custom prompts, you can have Assist perform all of your intended  improvements and edits in one shot with something like “Refine the flow of this text, then adjust the tone to be conversational, and add a summary to the top of it"

Creating knowledge from scratch:

You’ve asked an SME on your team to create a card on design best practices, but starting with a blank card can be intimidating. It can be even more intimidating if your SME is a novice writer and not sure where to start. But now they can use Assist to help them by using a custom prompt like: 

  • "Create an outline that walks through product design best practices"
  • "Write me a few paragraphs on product design and best practices to keep in mind"

From there, your SME has a solid jumping off point to edit and share out their knowledge.  

While we encourage you to experiment with custom prompts for yourself first, we also wrote a best practices guide you can reference here.

What type of custom prompts are you using? Share in the comments below!


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