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Add: Option to filter active and archived cards in the Card Manager

Hi Guru Community! Our company has many unverified cards, which need to be sorted out. Therefore, we looked up the statistics using the Card Manager. I noticed a problem with the numbers in the Card Manager and Analytics. After this update, the Trust Score moved from the Dashboard to the Analytics tab. 

What is the problem?

The Trust Score can’t be measured easily by using the Card Manager. 

Example: Our Trust Score is now 56% (see screenshot). According to the Card Manager (top left), we have 1951 cards in total. When I filter the amount of unverified Card, there are 625 out of 1951 unverified cards, which is 32%, meaning a Trust Score of 68%. This is different from our actual Trust Score. 

It turned out that 1951 is the amount of all Cards, including the archived Cards. To identify the real Trust Score, I have to deduct the number of archived Cards from the total number of Cards. I would measure 625/ (1950-539) = 44%, which results in the actual Trust Score of 56%. 




This is a problem because it screws the data. It would be perfect if there was an option to filter all active and archived Cards in the Card Manager, in order to calculate the Trust Score easily. Another option would be to display only the total amount of active Cards in the Card Manager. 

I really hope this topic can be addressed because it is not clear and self-explanatory and distorts the data every time we want to analyze our Trust Score - and hopefully, our progress ;) 

I couldn’t find an existing post about the same topic. If there is one, please feel free to merge this post into the other idea. If anyone identified a workaround, I’m happy to know!


Turns out the screenshots aren’t visible on my initial post.

Screenshot 1: 

Screenshot 2:

Screenshot 3:

Screenshot 4:


Hi @Elise Kroes, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, the screenshots aren’t visible, but I gather you’re reviewing your overall team’s Trust Score on the dashboard and comparing that to some filtered views of the Card Manager “Cards” tab? Card Manager will only show Cards from Collections you have permission to. The initial page of Card Manager, the “Cards” tab, excludes Archived Cards. Is it possible your team has a Collection (managed by IT) that you don’t have permission to? If this is the case, the Cards won’t appear for you in Card Manager totals, yet their verification state will impact your team’s overall trust score. Please keep me posted and let me know what you find out! 🤓

Hi Marie! Thanks for responding so quickly! The images were visible in my draft, but didn’t appear in the post, and I couldn’t change or delete it 😄
I checked it once again, and it turned out that we have a synced collection with almost the same number as our archived cards, which led me to the conclusion that the archived cards were included to the total amount of cards. That was such a coincidence 😱 
There isn’t a filter to exclude synced cards in the Card Manager, right? Or a possibility to exclude collections? I only see the filter “Collection > is in a Collection”. 
