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I used the Answer with Card action in Slack and instead of posting in a thread on the message, it made a HUGE reply in the main channel, reposting the entire message and the card as well. I can’t delete it either. 


Is this a Slack issue or a problem with the Guru actions? I use Answer with Card a lot and haven’t had this happen since the first or second time I tried it months ago. 



Hi @Siobhan Hyser , 

Thanks so much for reaching out. Yes, you should be able to post a Guru Card to a thread using the Answer with a Card action. This is something Guru's Technical Support team can best respond to - I've alerted our Support Team and they’ll be touch as soon as possible over email to troubleshoot with you further. 


Follow up - the Guru bot wasn’t active in this channel. We have it in a lot of channels so it didn’t occur to me that could be the issue since the option was available. 


It would be great if there were some kind of warning or notification to say “Did you mean to thread this? Add @guru to the channel!” rather than posting a gigantic message that can’t be deleted 😄

Hey @Siobhan Hyser ! That makes sense, I even skipped over that part in my response assuming you had it enabled ha. I’m glad we figured that out, and +1 that piece of feedback. Would you be willing to drop that into the Product Feedback channel so we can keep you updated on the request?


Thanks again for posting about this. Keep the questions coming! :)

